Iran: Rouhani in unison with Khamenei in support of IRGC atrocities in Syria and Iraq and backing of Assad


Hassan Rouhani: If revolutionary guards (IRGC) were not present in Iraq and Syria, we would have had no security and would not have reached the nuclear accord

Threatening regional countries Shamkhani noted that if we did not fight in Syria, then Tehran, Ahvaz and Hamadan would have been insecure

In paying homage to those involved in the nuclear negotiations on February 8, in an unprecedented admission Rouhani, the President of the religious fascism ruling Iran, said: “Had it not been for our armed forces who guarded the security of this country and if our valiant commanders were not steadfast in Baghdad, Samara, Fallujah and Ramadi…, had they not helped the Syrian government in Damascus and Aleppo, and were it not for the valor of the army, the IRGC, the Basij, and the Islamic Republic Security Forces, we would not have enjoyed the security that we needed to conduct such good negotiations.”

This unprecedented admission proves the fact that there is no difference between Rouhani, Khamenei and other leaders of the religious fascism ruling Iran and the revolutionary guards and the Qods Force as far as the issue of Syria and Iraq is concerned and that Rouhani is an equal culprit in the war crimes and crimes against humanity in the region and that he should face justice.

On the other hand, remarks by Iranian regime’s President once again goes to prove the fact that this regime has made and continues to make the most from its aggression in the region and its overt and covert occupation of Syria and Iraq to extract more concessions from the west in the nuclear negotiations.

It is for this reason that the Iranian Resistance has declared time and again in the past that the most destructive policy is to keep silent in face of the atrocities of this regime inside and outside of Iran on the pretext of nuclear negotiations or the nuclear deal. Such policy will also boomerang and encourage this regime to continue with its nuclear projects.

On Monday, February 8, speaking at the funeral of a number of revolutionary guards killed in Syria, Secretary of regime’s Supreme National Security Council and a close associate of Rouhani said: If these individuals had not been killed in Syria, “our Tehran would have been insecure; our Hamadan and our Ahvaz would have been insecure”. Threatening the West and the countries in the region Shamkhani noted: “In confronting regional trans-regional countries that support terrorism we shall take any action within our capacity in various arenas.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 9, 2016

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