Iran: Regime’s highest missile commander killed in explosion

Guards Commander Major General Hassan Moghaddam, the highest and the most senior mullahs’ regime missile commander, who was trained in China and North Korea, killed in the explosion of Revolutionary Guards’ (IRGC) missile centre

NCRI – Major General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the highest and the most senior commander of the mullahs’ regime missile force was among the casualties of Saturday’s massive explosion in the missile warehouses of the IRGC near city of Malard (45 km west of Tehran, in Alborz province). The IRGC stated that Major General Moghaddam was “present at the scene of the incident for research when the explosion took place …” Moghaddam’s presence at the explosion site on Saturday was for preparation and transportation of the missiles to another location.

Following the recent report of the IAEA and discussion around a military option to confront the clerical regime’s bomb making project in international circles, horrified Khamenei hastily ordered Moghaddam as the regime’s most senior missile commander to expeditiously prepare and move the missiles to another location. Two days prior to these explosions, on November 10, in a speech in the military college Khamenei threatened the US and its allies that “they must prepare themselves for getting iron fists and slaps in the face”.

Moghaddam entered the missile force of the IRGC 30 years ago and became its commander in 1985. He had passed various missile training courses in China and North Korea and was commanding the mullahs’ regime missile attacks on Camp Ashraf on November 6, 1994, June 10, 1999 and April 18, 2001.

Since 5 years ago, Moghaddam was being identified as “managing director of the organization of self-sufficiency Jihad of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)” which is an alias for nuclear and missile sections of the mullahs’ Ministry of Defence.

Moghaddam tested for the first time the first prototype of “Shahab-4” missile in May 2002 in 80 km distance from Semnan. After completion of this missile, two and half years later on August 26, 2004, Iran Newspaper described this missile as “3-stage” and “super modern” missile running on solid fuel with a range of 1900 to 3000 kms.
Scud-B missiles were fired from Montazeri Garrison in Kermanshah to Ashraf in June 1999. Following that, Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in a Press Conference in Bonn, Germany, on June 16, 1999 revealed that the IRGC missile force under the command of Moghaddam had three missile brigades namely Al-Hadid, Zolfaghar and Tohid, each having 9 missile launching platforms. The regime’s missile project budget in the 90’s was more than $1.5 billion. Hassan Moghaddam, the missile commander of the IRGC had special relation with Khamenei and sat on many of the meetings of the regime’s National Security Supreme Council.

With respect to Saturday’s explosion in the missile centre of the IRGC, it has to be noted that carelessness, sloppiness and non-professionalism are known characteristics of the Revolutionary Guards. This has been repeatedly tested in Buenos Aires explosion, the terror plot against Saudi Ambassador in Washington and restaurant bombing, and during the Iran-Iraq eight-year war.
It is worthwhile to note that the mullahs’ regime preposterously and hastily sometimes blames its crimes and actions on the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and subsequently on Israel or the United States. The clerical regime in recent terrorist plot in the Washington, mentioned the MEK in order to create an excuse for not removing the MEK from the US State Department’s FTO list.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 
November 13, 2011

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