Iran regime’s intelligence agents in France exposed


Deputy Ambassador at the Iranian regime’s embassy in Paris, Mohammad Safaei; and Head of the Paris station of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), Ahmad Zarif coordinate activities by the regime’s elements against the Iranian Resistance and Iranian refugees in France

NCRI – The Security and Anti-terrorism Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in its communiqué on July 13, announced that the Iranian regime’s intelligence and embassy in Paris, sent hirelings Qorbanali Hossein-nejad and Mostafa Mohammadi to the NCRI Headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise to instigate a clash and pave the way for terrorist actions… the two were arrested and interrogated by the gendarmerie and expelled from the area. The hireling Qorbanali confessed in the presence of gendarmerie that the intelligence official at regime’s embassy by the name of “Hamid Ebadi” has ordered them, along with Jahangir Shadanlou (Iranian regime’s already disclosed agent) to commit this act. They were given the phone numbers 0033758030701 and 0033140697959 for their contacts.

The Security and Anti-terrorism Committee of the National Council of Resistance provides further details to our compatriots, especially the political refugees, on this incident that it has obtained from the regime from inside Iran:

1. “Hamid Ebadi” is one of the pseudonyms of Ahmad Zarif, the head of the infamous intelligence ministry station in regime’s embassy in Paris, who is the coordinator for the hirelings’ actions against the Resistance and Iranian refugees in France. He has been in this position since August 2011. He replaced Hassan Javadian, the former head of this station, who was reprimanded because he was unsuccessful in his duties against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

2. Ahmad Zarif operates in France in coordination with and under the supervision of Mohammad Safaei who is deputy to Ali Ahani, regime’s ambassador. Safaei is responsible for the plans and programs of the intelligence ministry in France. Prior, at regime’s embassy in Brussels, Safaei advanced intelligence’s schemes against the Resistance in the European Parliament.

3. An agent called Hassan Ganji Ma’yari is the deputy of Iranian regime’s intelligence station in France. Another agent by the name of Shayesteh that is responsible for coding at the embassy is among the colleagues of Ahmad Zarif.

4. To advance the schemes of the infamous ministry against the Resistance and the Iranian refugees, Ahmad Zarif uses some front associations. One such association is the “Association for defence of victims of terrorism in the Middle East” which is a branch of the intelligence ministry and was established in Tehran in 2007. The agents of this so-called NGO are constantly travelling between Iran and France since its establishment, including a mission from this association headed by Seyyed Rouhollahs Latifei Rostami that travelled to France in September 2011 to make the necessary coordination with regime’s embassy against the PMOI and NCRI.

5. In tandem with the associations that are managed by the Iranian agents of the intelligence ministry, the Iranian regime has employed a French association dubbed “Protect the Future Together Against Indoctrination“ with the acronym “PEACE” that works closely with the “Association for defence of victims of terrorism in the Middle East”. In June 2014, Ahmad Zarif tasked a number of people at “PEACE” to disrupt the grand gathering of the Resistance in Villepinte, Paris, but a number of them were identified before they entered Villepinte and some were identified and thrown out by the police after they entered the gathering. These same hirelings went to the market of Auvers-sur-Oise in February 2014 and in March 2015 with intelligence and propaganda agendas against the Iranian Resistance, but they were ignored by the local population and expelled from the region by the gendarmerie. In November 2014, two members of this association went to Iran and were briefed by the intelligence ministry.

6. Jahangir Shadanlou, the disclosed agent of Iranian regime’s intelligence in France, works under the supervision of Ahmad Zarif and is responsible for the legal and administrative affairs of regime’s hirelings. In coordination with the intelligence ministry, he arranges for the illegal transfer of the hirelings from Iraq and Iran to France. He uses the route through Turkey and Greece for this purpose. This agent helped bring Qorbanali Hossein-nejad to France in January 2013 from Mohajer Hotel of Baghdad and Issa Azadeh from Tehran in March 2014. Shadanlou also looks for jobs and residence for the hirelings and rents vehicles, loudspeakers, etc for the gatherings of intelligence hirelings against the Iranian Resistance.

7. Since several months ago, in tandem with preparing agents inside Iran to be taken to Iraq to be employed at the entrance of Camp Liberty against the PMOI, the intelligence ministry briefed and prepared the hireling Mostafa Mohammadi for going to Paris. It designated an Iranian translator affiliated with regime’s embassy in Paris to translate Mohammadi’s slurs against the Resistance into French. Subsequently, the hireling Ebrahim Khodabandeh and another intelligence agent by the name of Mehdi Jahanian briefed Mostafa Mohammadi on the details of what he should do in Paris.

The Security and Anti-terrorism Committee once again reminds of the machinations by the hirelings of the Iranian regime against Iranian refugees and urges the pertinent French authorities to expel the agents and spies of regime’s intelligence ministry from France who only disrupt the public order and the peace and tranquility of French citizens and the Iranian refugees.

Security and Anti-terrorism Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 12, 2015

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