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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIran regime provides citizenship to non-Iranians to spread terror & fundamentalism

Iran regime provides citizenship to non-Iranians to spread terror & fundamentalism


Following a series of major defeats for the mullahs’ machinery of export of terrorism, fundamentalism and warmongering, especially in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, the regime in Iran is now seeking to provide citizenship to non-Iranian terrorists.

The regime’s Parliamentary Research Center has in recent days placed on its agenda a “plan on reforming Article 190 of the Constitution to facilitate issuing citizenship to fighters, dedicated individuals and non-Iranian elite”. This plan has been on the agenda of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the mullahs’ parliament since March. According to the text, “the Nationality Law Based on Blood” will be changed and terrorists and murderers fighting for the religious fascism ruling Iran, the Quds Force and the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence will be provided Iranian citizenship. (State-run E’temad daily – July 23, 2015)

The term “non-Iranian elite” referred to in this plan are “individuals who have had necessary cooperation in intelligence and logistics with revolutionary entities (terrorist and spy organs) although they were not fighters and not present in battlefields.” According to this plan, in addition to terrorists, referred to in the text as “fighters and non-Iranian holy fighters”, their commanders and families, those injured in terrorist attacks and spies working for the Revolutionary Guards intelligence and Ministry of Intelligence are amongst the individuals that meet the credentials for receiving Iranian citizenship.

Reviewing the admission forms for the terrorists, who have been referred to in this plan as ‘fighters’, is a necessary step for the Revolutionary Guards. Based on the plan this confirmation is necessary because it needs to be clarified if the applicant “will carry out measures in pursuit of the Islamic Republic’s objectives (terrorism and exporting fundamentalism) and will act based on the Revolutionary Guards’ orders…”

This plan provides an opportunity for the terrorists to return to their home countries if deemed necessary to carry out terrorist attacks.

Ahmad Bakhshayesh, a member of the regime’s parliament said in this regard, “This discussion is about supporting Shiite forces and combatants in the region. The main principle of this plan is to support holy fighters that are interested in protecting Shiite interests… we are the leaders of the resistance movement in the region. For example, in Syria… we are willing to have Iranian forces there; however there are some Pakistani, Afghan and Turkmen Shiites… we will use the diligence of these forces…”

Another member of the regime’s parliament by the name of Esfanani said, “This plan is of special importance and related to the country’s national and security interests… under this plan the war against expiatory forces, or providing intelligence to protect the interests of the Islamic republic of Iran, can be paralleled with the Nationality Law Based on Blood and lead to an Iranian citizenship.”

Issuing citizenship to non-Iranian terrorists is taking place while the overwhelming majority of the Iranian people are unable to make ends meet for their families. Making this plan public only a few days after the nuclear agreement clearly shows that the Iranian regime is pathetically attempting to compensate for the consequences of the nuclear ‘chalice of poison’ by expanding its meddling in the region. To this end it will associate a major portion of the unfrozen money from the nuclear deal on its hellish machine of exporting terrorism and fundamentalism.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 26, 2015

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