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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIran: New Defense Minister among principals in Beirut bombings in the 80s

Iran: New Defense Minister among principals in Beirut bombings in the 80s

Brig. Gen. Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar, the Defense Minister-designateNajjar designed 320mm mortars to attack Mrs. Rajavi’s residence in Paris and PMOI’s office in Baghdad in the 90s

NCRI, August 23 – Brig. Gen. Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar, the Defense Minister-designate, designed the 320mm mortars for terrorist operations abroad. He was in charge of the Defense Ministry’s Military Industries’ Group since the 1990s.

The clerical regime used three such super-mortars for the first time in an attack against the central office of the People’s Mojahedin Organization (PMOI) in Baghdad on January 7, 1997.  The attack left many casualties among civilians and inflicted lots of damages. Each mortar weighed 200 kgs and contained 125 kgs of explosives.

Earlier, the regime had sent these mortars, conceals in food containers, to Europe to target the residence of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, in a Paris suburb. Belgian police at the Belgian port of Antwerp, discovered and seized this mortar on March 14, 1996, hidden in a ship, named Kolahdouz, which had set sail from the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas.

Mohammad-Najjar joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) since its inception in 1979 and was responsible for the IRGC’s Middle East division (Lebanon, Palestine and Persian Gulf states) from 1982 until 1985. He spent most of his time in Lebanon, where he was responsible for many bombings in Beirut in the 1980s.

He was active in the crackdown on the people of Iranian Kurdistan in 1979 and 1980 and was among those responsible for the massacre of the people of Naghadeh in the Province in 1979.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 23, 2005