Iran: Mullahs use Zahedan bombing to increase pressure on PMOI

NCRI – The state-run media and websites of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) yesterday released a prefabricated report, using a bunch of false allegations, in a bid to link the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) to perpetrators of May 28 bombing of Zahedan’s Ali Ibn Abitaleb Mosque.

Based on an interview with a Farsi language television known as Rangarang, the regime’s media outlets claimed that the PMOI backed the perpetrators of the bombing with the intelligence they required for their operation (IRNA and Fars news agencies, June 2, 2009). Rangarang promotes propaganda in favor of the Iranian regime and pursues the dictated policies of the MOIS.

This is not the first time that the clerical regime attributes various events to the PMOI in order to pave the ground to increase suppressive measures and executions. But, as this time the perpetrators officially claimed the responsibility for the bombing, the regime had to resort to such fabrications.

In addition, as the regime’s plots to annihilate Ashraf, home to members of the PMOI in Iraq, have failed, it is now trying to intensify pressure and suppressive measures against Ashraf by resorting to such lies.

Fars news agency quoted an MOIS affiliated organization known as ‘Habilian Association’ that admitted to this fact by saying, “It should be acknowledged that the Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime for the PMOI) and threats posed by them have not yet been neutralized. Having them only disarmed would not eliminate their threats… For as long as they have bases in Iraq and France they will continue with their terrorist activities.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 3, 2009

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