Iran: Mullahs resort to expansion of terrorism and fundamentalism

The Iranian regime resorts to expansion of terrorism and fundamentalism in the Middle East and the world

NCRI- In an unprecedented acknowledgment to the Iranian regime’s terrorist plots and incitement of war in the region and across the world, Manouchehr Mohamadi, adviser to mullahs’ foreign minister said: "The 33-day Lebanon-Israel war was indeed a war between Iran and the US and at the moment our country is the source of encouragement for the formation of uprisings in South America, the backyard of the US."


He emphasized that this would remain as the regime’s policy and said, "We have decided to continue with this war and our struggle until we defeat the despots and mortify them." (State-run daily Kayhan – May 26, 2009)

He made the remarks only a day after Ahmadinejad underscored the need to have a policy on export of terrorism and said, "If we ignore global spheres, enemies will dominate them, and they will subsequently issue ultimatums for us. Therefore, building an Iran not involved in global zones [of influence] is impossible."

At the same time, in a show of military might, the mullahs' naval commander, Habibollah Sayari, announced dispatch of "six warships to the Gulf of Aden and international waters.” Prior to this, the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) personnel were stationed at the Assab Port in Eritrea.

As the regime grapples with mounting political and economic crises, as well as rising social dissatisfaction and uprisings, it has decided to expand its export of terrorism and crises to the region and the world. The policy of appeasement, negotiations, and timidity towards the Iranian regime has encouraged and empowered the mullahs to pursue such objectives.

The Iranian Resistance highlights the irrevocable and urgent threat posed by the clerical regime against regional and global peace and calm, and calls on the UN Security Council to adopt immediate and comprehensive arms, technological, diplomatic and oil embargoes against the clerical regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 27, 2009

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