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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIran: Mullahs’ regime threatens U.S. forces with hostage taking

Iran: Mullahs’ regime threatens U.S. forces with hostage taking

NCRI – In an official session of the Iranian regime’s parliament (Majlis) on Tuesday (May 6) and at the presence of Javad Zarif, the regime’s Foreign Minister, a member threatened the U.S. forces in the region of being taken hostage.

Javad Karimi Ghoddussi said: “Should the U.S. make any mistake, all their bases are identified and all their centers in Islamic states are in the sight and the firing range (of weapons) of Muslim combatants in those countries, and if they decide to make any mistake, thousands of Americans will be taken captive all across the region.”

Turning a blind eye of world community, especially the United States, to the warmongering and terrorist and criminal meddling in the region, particularly in Syria and Iraq by the clerical regime in Iran has emboldened this regime to continue hostage-taking and export of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Engulfed by domestic and international crises, the mullahs ruling Iran are in more need than ever to resort to terrorism and to such adventures to evade their inevitable demise.

Secretariat of the national Council of Resistance of Iran
May 7, 2014