Iran: Mullahs’ misinformation against PMOI

NCRI – In a totally fabricated report on August 24, Jahan News state-run website affiliated to Ahmadinejad’s faction claimed that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) had been in contact with Jundullah in Pakistan. The above website, which is very much despised by people in Iran, wrote: “A member of Jund-Al-Sheitan (derogatory term used for Jundullah by the regime) grouplet confessed after his capture that the grouplet has had organizational contacts with the Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime to refer to PMOI)… A number of PMOI [members] in Pakistan have offered to cooperate with the grouplet in terms of providing intelligence and communication support for suicide and sabotage operations.”

This report is entirely false and unfounded. The PMOI has never had any contacts with Jundullah anywhere. Since the attack on PMOI’s offices in Pakistan by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards in summer of 1987, none of its members have been in this country. While fabricating such false charges against the PMOI, the regime declares that Jundullah has been launched and backed by the United States, Israel and the NATO.

This is not the first time that the regime is spreading misinformation against the PMOI with specific political and terrorist objectives against the Iranian Resistance. The regime that is loathed by Iranians in general would not spare any effort to conspire against its main opposition.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 25, 2010

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