Iran: Khamenei plans elimination of rivals, export of terrorism

The IRGC commander stressed on the need for a complete purge of all rival factions in the upcoming elections and export of terrorism

NCRI – On Thursday, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali (Aziz) Jafari, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander unveiled a plan by mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a complete elimination of all rival factions in the upcoming Majlis (parliamentary) elections.

"In each election we are faced with a new phenomenon and now it is a trend called fundamentalism. In a way it is a revolution within a revolution. After a quarter of a century this trend has been revitalized and lead two elected institutions (the Majlis and the government)," the state-run news agency Fars reported on February 7 quoting Jafari.

Speaking at the convention of paramilitary Bassij Force for students, Jafari outlined the task for the force as being to strengthen the domination of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad over the Majlis.
"If the Bassij want to have a role in the elections — which I believe it may with the blessings of the supreme leader — it should safeguard, complete and expand the trend which has already been created," he said.

At the same time, Brig. Gen. Nasser Shabani dean of the IRGC’s Command and Control College said, "How can those people who said words which made the enemy of the regime and the revolution happy and wrote letters calling for a halt to uranium enrichment dare to run for Majlis elections."

Jafari once again emphasized the need to export terrorism and fundamentalism and said, "We have to try to promote the revolution in the world…We have to prepare ourselves for difficult days ahead and for the fight to expand the revolution. Whatever has been done in the past to halt or misdirect the revolution is behind us now… today our revolution is a worldwide movement."

In an unprecedented comment, Jafari admitted that the need to export revolution stems from the mullahs’ regime vulnerable state and uncompromising acrimony of Iranian people towards the regime.
"Animosity with our revolution is a never ending process. As we move forward the battle between the revolutionaries and counter-revolutionaries become more critical and complicated," said Jafari.

Referring to the Iranian regime’s meddling in the countries of the region by supplying and funding non-Iranian terrorists as a necessity to its survival, Jafari added, "Now the struggle by non-Iranian revolutionaries in the region and the world in defense of the Iranian revolution is vitally important. Incidents like the 33-day war in Lebanon act as a deterrent in our favor."

Jafari’s remarks is an indication of the regime’s deepening and incurable crises in its faltering state which seeks an exit by internal purge and stepping up export of terrorism and fundamentalism abroad.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 7, 2008

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