Iran: Khamenei emphasizes IRGC is regime’s sole pillar


They promise that in ten years this Iran will no longer be… all should appreciate IRGC. Weakening the Revolutionary Guards and unrelated statements against it pleases the enemy… IRGC is a great divine gift

NCRI – In a meeting with the leaders of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) on Wednesday, September 17, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei expressed concern about the bleak future of the velayat-e faqih regime and the disintegration of the regime’s forces and once again reiterated on the role of the IRGC as the linchpin and main guarantor of survival of the religious fascism ruling Iran.

He voiced concern for the regime’s prospect and acknowledged the loath of the people and even the regime’s own elements for the Revolutionary Guards: “They promise that the Iran of 10 years from now will not be this Iran. We should not allow this thought and evil hope to grow in the enemy’s heart. We should greatly strengthen the pillars of the revolution and the revolutionary mindset. All should value the IRGC. Weakening the Revolutionary Guards and unrelated statements against it are groundless and please the enemy… The IRGC is a great divine gift in the country.”

Khamenei who described the IRGC as a “great divine gift” and is fearful of losing the regime’s forces said: “Economic and security influence is of course dangerous and has significant consequences, but the enemy’s political and cultural influence is a much greater threat and all need to be watchful.” He added: “They are waiting for the nation and the system to become inattentive and ten years from now when for example I am no longer around they would attain their objectives.”

Khamenei praised warmongering and terrorism and the IRGC’s aggressive interventions in various countries under the title “creation of operational, political, identity and pompous capability” and stated that the “Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps is not an inhibited organization busy with its own administrative affairs, but a cognizant observer that is attentive to domestic and external issues. IRGC Intelligence ought to constantly observe the issues and identify the threats”.

IRGC commander Major General Jafari also stated in his remarks to IRGC leaders that the “IRGC believes that to confront enemies’ fresh pretexts, in tandem with increasing the capability and precision of its missiles, it should increase the range of Islamic ideals and care for the symbols needed for the revolution” (Khorassan state daily – September 16, 2015).

Similarly, on September 15, the regime’s President Rouhani who was addressing IRGC leaders emphasized on the continuation of the regime’s aggressive interventions and its warmongering in the region: “We cannot be indifferent regarding Muslim countries.” While the clerical regime is the most important source of massacre, conflict and crisis in the region, he demagogically stated: “We are the great soldiers that create tranquility, stability and peace not just in Iran, but in the whole region for our neighbors, for Muslim unity and for unifying Muslims that would give the enemy the shivers.”

In an unmistakable kowtow to the IRGC that controls the main arteries of the country’s economy, he assured them that their plunders would continue and “asked the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij to prop up the government in attaining the goals of a resistive economy and to arrive at a point of invulnerability for the country’s economy” (state-run News Network – September 15, 2015).

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 17, 2015

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