Iran: IRGC intensifying repression and export of terrorism



NCRI – At a press conference on Wednesday in the French Press Club, Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, Chairman of the Peace Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), warned against the growing efforts of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)- Qods Force in various countries, including Afghanistan.

On November 10, the mullahs' regime launched a series of military drills for six days in Tehran. Thirty thousand agents of the IRGC, the State Security forces (SSF), intelligence and other law enforcement agencies are participating.

The maneuvers are designed to quickly occupy urban areas and sensitive centers, including Tehran bazaar, and rapidly deploy reinforcements from the other provinces into the capital.

In the conference, Mr. Abrishamchi said that these drills were part of the new organization of IRGC to counter the popular uprisings.

According to the new plan, the IRGC was divided into 31 independent commands each of which will cover one province with the exception of the capital with two IRGC garrisons to combat with growing popular protests.

During the past year, more than 5000 protest movements have been reported in universities, factories and the bazaars in Iran.

In addition to internal repression, he focused on the role of the IRGC in the decision making centers of the economic sector.

The IRGC controls 75 percent of exports and 30 percent of non-oil exports of the country.

Abrishamchi then elaborated on the extent of the export of fundamentalism and terrorism by the IRGC abroad. He revealed that in past weeks the Qods Force had sent numerous roadside bombs to destroy the military vehicles of the NATO forces in Afghanistan. The NATO jeeps are vulnerable to these bombs.

He also introduced his latest book "The Revolutionary Guards, the army of fundamentalism and terrorism" published by Jean Picollec.

It is from the Ansar Base, located in the holy city of Mashhad and headed by Brig. Gen. Moussavi, that the Qods Force is involved in Afghanistan, sending logistical support and mercenaries loyal to him. Abrishamchi added that Fada Hossein Maleki, the Iranian regime's ambassador in Kabul, is also a commander of the Qods Force. The force was mandated by the mullahs' Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the Supreme Council for National Security (SCNS) to cover Afghanistan.

 In the SCNS, a committee was formed, headed by Saeed Jalili, the SCNS secretary and representative of the regime in the nuclear negotiations with the West to supervise all operations in Afghanistan.

Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Algerian Prime Minister also attended the conference. He denounced the activities of mullahs' regime in the Arab countries and the Middle East.

He said that the plots had not even spared the regime few allies from the expansion of fundamentalism. Ghozali added that the Iranian regime takes advantage of fundamentalist trends, Shiite and Sunni alike, as the regime seeks its political objectives through them.

The book "The Revolutionary Guards, the army of fundamentalism and terrorism" contains many details on the structure and activities of the IRGC, as the backbone of the mullahs' regime.

Aside from the history and current structure of IRGC and its infiltration into the decision making centers in Iran, the book explains how the forces loyal to the regime in Tehran were sent to Iraq after the 2003 and help in the organization of the Special Groups in Iraq.

Part of the book is also devoted to the latest developments of the IRGC's work on nuclear warheads at the Khojeir center in south-east of Tehran, and manufacturing of long-range missiles.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 14, 2008

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