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Iran: Clerical regime’s lies and repulsive TV shows against the Resistance

Sample ImageNCRI – Subsequent to the failure of the clerical regime's suppressive measures to prevent anti-government demonstrations and uprisings, the clerical regime has intensified its ridiculous misinformation campaign against the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the Iranian Resistance.

By organizing repulsive TV shows, bringing its intelligence minister and other officials to the scene, using its agents and disseminating fabricated lies, the clerical regime intends to boast the morale of its demoralized forces and prepare the grounds for the execution of political prisoners and relatives of Camp Ashraf residents under the pretext of "Moharebeh" (waging war on God).

On Tuesday, June 15, Heydar Moslehi, Minister for the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), fabricated a series of lies, claiming that two PMOI teams, who were trying to set off bombs in several squares in Tehran, had been arrested and that the organization had been dealt a lethal blow.

He made a preposterous claim that the PMOI, by dispatching these individuals from Iraq and while enjoying the support of the UK, Sweden and France…, were trying to set off bombs in a number of sensitive and important locations in Tehran to intimidate, terrorize and harm innocent people… and set fire to the properties, vehicles and motorcycles of the State Security Forces (SSF).

“One of the team leaders was based in the university student dormitory using the facilities there so that he would not be identified. At the time of his arrest in the dormitory Molotov cocktails were discovered,” Moslehi alleged and added, “The father and two uncles of one of the arrested team leaders had been executed in the early stages of the revolution due to cooperation and membership in the PMOI. The key person in the second team had been on constant touch with people linked to the PMOI and had many activities during the turmoil that pursued elections guided by the PMOI.”

In a simultaneous and ludicrous TV show, broadcast on the state television Channel 1 on Tuesday, he claimed that the PMOI planned to set off bombs in a number of busy areas of Tehran on Saturday, June 12. A number of unknown individuals, whose face had been blurred on the screen, claimed that they were assigned by the PMOI to set off bombs in the streets of Tehran between June 10 and 20.

These absolutely false claims reflect the clerical regime’s delirium, which is increasingly desperate in confronting the rise in popular protests and the increase in support by the Iranian people for the PMOI. These futile attempts are designed to cover up the regime’s growing crises and deepening internal rifts and reflect its inability to stop the nationwide uprising.

In previous nights, the regime broadcast a movie about Neda Agha Soltan, who was slain last year, in an attempt to imply that the PMOI had murdered Neda. In this film, aired on June 11, a regime agent claimed, "Every year on June 20 the Mojahedin murders someone somewhere in Iran. If I am asked whether the PMOI could have murdered Neda, I would say yes.” Previously the regime had asserted that the UK and France had colluded in the murder of Neda.

On June 13, Javan online, a website affiliated with the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and another website affiliated with Mohsen Rezai, former IRGC Commander in Chief, falsely claimed, “On Saturday, June 12, security services discovered a 60mm mortar launcher and its munition in Jomhouri Street. An informed security source said, 'the indiscriminate use of mortars is consistent with the PMOI’s modus operandi, which has precedence.'" 

The current campaign of misinformation by the regime is conducted while families and supporters of PMOI members based in Camp Ashraf are under daily pressure to make false confessions or take part in the regime’s TV shows in order to set the stage for their execution. These families include senior fathers and mothers.

Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, Security Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights and all human rights organizations to condemn arbitrary arrests and death sentences by the regime. It also urges the international community, especially the European Union, to set improvement of human rights situation in Iran as a precondition for continued relations and trade with the regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2010