Gathering at NCRI headquarters in solidarity with the people of France


Maryam Rajavi calls on all Muslims to unite against terrorism and extremism under the name of Islam

In a ceremony commemorating victims of terrorist attacks in Paris and in solidarity with the people of France held on Saturday, November 21, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi reiterated:

 The November 13 tragedy demonstrated that there are two opposing fronts; freedom-loving people and advocates of democracy and separation of religion and state, tolerant and democrat Muslims versus tyrants, savages, fanatics, ISIS, Bashar Assad and the Iranian regime.

Mrs. Rajavi said: Muslims who believe in democracy are the most effective force which could fight and defeat the global danger of Islamic fundamentalism.

She called on all Muslims, particularly Muslims in France, to unite in a front against terrorism and extremism under the name of Islam.

In this solidarity event at the Iranian Resistance’s headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise, Mrs. Rajavi rejected the idea of cooperating with Assad to eliminate Daesh. She said: The very existence of Daesh from day one has depended on Bashar Assad and the Iranian regime. Two parties will be seriously hurt by Bashar Assad’s ouster, one is Daesh which would lose its breeding grounds. The other is the Iranian regime whose regional front would crumble and disintegrate.

Mrs. Rajavi said: On the one hand, Daesh slaughters dozens of young people in the terrorist carnage in Paris, on the other, the Tehran regime rejoices this anti-human crime and threaten that if France does not accept continued rule of Bashar Assad, more attacks will be on the way.

She added: The massacre of defenseless people in Paris under the name of Islam is an attack on Islam and Muslims. Fundamentalism under the name of Islam — whether the Shiite variant (embodied in the velayat-e faqih dictatorship in Iran) or the Sunni variant as practiced by Daesh — is the enemy of humanity. Its heart beats in Tehran under the rule of religious fascism.

A number of political personalities, advocates of human rights, elected representatives of the people of France as well as religious dignitaries representing the country’s Muslim community were in attendance and a number of them addressed the gathering including Ingrid Betancourt, former Presidential candidate in Colombia; Alain Vivien, former French minister; Sylvie Fassier, Jean Claude Jegoudez, Bruno Macé, district mayors and members of the provincial councils; Jean Pierre Bequet, former member of the Val d’Oise Council; Khalil Merroun, head of Evry Mosque; Taoufiq Sebti, Vice President of the Muslims Council of France; Alima Boumediene, former French senator , Bilal Bely Mokono, an eyewitness who was wounded in Paris terrorist attacks and Paulo Casaca, former member of the European Parliament;
In other parts of this ceremony, participants laid flowers on the memorial of victims of November 13 tragedy, flew 130 pigeons symbolizing the 130 people who lost their lives in the fire of fundamentalism and terrorism in Paris, and watched a short film of Camp Liberty’s memorial ceremony for victims of Paris attacks. Composer and conductor, Mohammad Shams, and Hamidreza Taherzadeh, members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran also had a beautiful performance in memory of the victims.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 21, 2015



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