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Death of IRGC element Hamedani, the killer of Syrians, Deputy Commander of IRGC and Quds Force


• He was the killer of PMOI and Kurdish people and among key commanders that suppressed the 1999 and 2009 uprisings in Tehran

• The death of the highest-ranking IRGC commander demonstrates that the ship of mullahs has run aground in Syria and faces horrendous defeats

According to reports by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani, IRGC commander in Syria and the killer of the Syrian people, Deputy Commander of the IRGC in Imam Hossein Base, Advisor to the Commander of the IRGC, Deputy to Commander of the terrorist Qods Force Qassem Soleimani, was killed yesterday in Aleppo. Deceptively and demagogically, IRGC has called Hamedani a “defender of Zeinab’s shrine” but in utter idiocy declared that he has been killed in the suburbs of Aleppo which is 360 kilometers from Zeinabiya (the shrine of Holy Zeinab).

In order to cover up its presence as an aggressor in Syria, the Iranian regime calls its military forces in this country the “defenders of Zeinabiya”. Holy Zeinab, the sister of the 3rd Shiite Imam, Imam Hossein, is highly revered and holds a special place among the Shiites.

Hamedani was one of the most senior and highest-ranking IRGC commanders. He was a key element in the massacres of Iranian Kurdistan (1979-1981), of sending pupils and children to clean up mine fields in the unpatriotic Iran-Iraq war, in suppressing the uprising of Tehran in 1999, Commander of the “Mohammad Rasoul Allah” Division in the suppression of the popular uprising in 2009, especially the great uprising by millions on the day of Ashura (December 27, 2009).

This IRGC commander, along with criminals such as Sayyad Shirazi, confronted the National Liberation Army (NLA) in the great “Eternal Light Operation” and in a war crime atrociously killed the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) prisoners of that operation and the people who had risen in support of the PMOI right where they were found. Hamedani twice received the “Fateh” medal from supreme leader Khamenei for his crimes and his services to the regime of velayat-e faqih.

The death of Hamedani and a number of other IRGC commanders and elements who were accompanying him once again highlights the reality that the atrocious war against the Syrian people is wholly commanded and guided by the Iranian regime and its Revolutionary Guards. Otherwise, the Syrian dictator would have been toppled a long time ago and Syria and the region would not have faced the present tragic situation.

Meanwhile, the death of the highest military pawn of the Iranian regime in Syria demonstrates that the ship of the Iranian regime has run aground and this regime is facing consecutive and horrendous defeats.

Following the advance of the opposition forces and the successive defeats of Bashar Assad, the Iranian regime has dispatched a large number of IRGC elements and hirelings to Syria in recent weeks such that in many fronts like the battle in Latakia region that began yesterday against the people and the opposition, not only is the command of the battle with the IRGC, but IRGC elements and Iraqi and Lebanese hirelings are present at the front lines.

Speaking on the importance of the regime’s intervention in Syria, Hamedani stated on May 1, 2013: “Syria is fighting the world arrogance and terrorism on behalf of Muslims… Syria is in the camp of Islamic resistance and is a brother of Iran. Today, it is our duty to support Syria and we should not hide Syria’s supports for the Islamic Revolution” (Tasnim News Agency, affiliated with the terrorist Qods Force). On May 5, 2014 he stated: “Iranians have established the second Hezbollah in Syria… Today, we are fighting in Syria because of our interests such as the Islamic Revolution and our defense is similar to the ‘holy defense’ [Iran-Iraq war]. And today, 130,000 trained Basij forces are waiting to enter Syria” (Fars News Agency, affiliated with the IRGC).

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 9, 2015