Clerical regime threatens Resistance’s supporters with death



StatementsEmboldened by the report against the People’s Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) by the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch, the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) has stepped up its threats against the Iranian Resistance’s sympathizers and activists in and out of Iran.
The new wave of intimidation and efforts to set the stage for terrorist activities abroad is overseen by MOIS deputy Mohammad Reza Irvani, who has been responsible for assassination of dissidents abroad and the chain murders in Iran.
In an implicit reference to Irvani, Intelligence Minister Ali Younessi said on the state television on March 25, “I ordered my deputy to inform the international community of atrocities perpetrated by the Monafeqin [Mojahedin].”
Following the publication of HRW report, MOIS agents have placed numerous telephone calls to the Resistance’s supporters in different European countries. While playing tapes of the Quran, they have been demanding that these Iranians return to Iran and halt their anti-regime activities; otherwise they “would be taken to Iran in sacks.”
MOIS agents also exert pressure on families of Resistance’s activists and use them to send addresses for MOIS websites to their children abroad. Some of these sites include Irandidban, Iran-Interlink, Nejat, Mahdis, Sepideh, Iran-Ayandeh, Negah-e No and Habilian.
MOIS agents go to the homes of the relatives of Resistance’s supporters in Iran to call and threaten them in front of their relatives that if they refuse to return, they would arrest their relatives or murder the activists themselves.
In some cases, MOIS agents have told the activists over the phone, “We have the capacity to kill you abroad. It would cost us only $1,000. We will stab you to death.” In another call from Iran to a Resistance’s activist, an MOIS agent warned, “If you continue your activities, your brother would be run over by the car here in Tehran.”
There have been dozens of such calls and the Resistance’s supporters have informed the police of these threats.
Recently, there have been some reports on increasing activities of the MOIS abroad to set the stage the stage for terrorist activities against the Iranian Resistance’s supporters and activists. One MOIS agent, who tortured and executed dozens of PMOI members inside Iran, has come to Sweden and requested asylum. He has been quoted as saying, “Time has come to retaliate against the Mojahedin.”
After placing several phone calls to a Resistance’s supporter in Sweden, an MOIS official, using the alias of Amiri, warned him in an email, “If you make a trip to a neighboring country such as Turkey, Dubai or to the far east, Malaysia, Indonesia or to Europe or Cyprus, or wherever your are comfortable, I would be waiting for you.”
The Iranian Resistance had previously revealed that the MOIS uses Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and South Asian countries to meet its European-based agents to hide those contacts from Iranians and Western security services.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 7, 2005

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