Classified reports from inside the mullahs’ regime on Nouri al-Maliki’s visit to Tehran

Lion and Sun


‎• Maliki is the best alternative in Iraq for the regime;‎
• Main issues discussed in talks with Maliki: Removal of Iraq from US dominanation; ‎annihilation of the PMOI

Maliki’s visit to Tehran has made him more loathed by the people of Iraq and more isolated among ‎Iraqi political forces


NCRI – According to reports obtained by the Iranian Resistance from Khamenei’s office and the regime’s ‎Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), the prime objective behind Maliki’s trip to Tehran and ‎meeting with Khamenei was to demonstrate to “all political forces in Iraq affiliated to the regime as well ‎as all Shiite entities” that “Maliki’s premiership is fully approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)” and ‎other forces “should be impelled to accept him”.‎

A report from Khamenei’s office reiterates, “We have always approved Maliki’s premiership, because he is ‎a hundred percent in favor of IRI’s interests and is the best choice. However, his visit to Iran and meeting ‎with the officials of the state is a message to others implying that Iran still believes that Maliki should be the ‎next prime minister. When Maliki meets with His Excellency (Khamenei), that would mean to Mr. Ammar ‎al-Hakim (leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq-  ISCI) that we want Maliki (to be the prime ‎minister); this is the meaning of the meeting.”‎

According to the obtained reports about Maliki’s meeting with Khamenei, “Maliki was given some ‎courses of action on how to push other Shiite currents, especially the ISCI, to support him.” In the ‎meetings, it was explained to Maliki “on which issues he should focus and what issues he should forbear ‎from.”‎

The reports emphasize that the two main issues discussed with Nouri al-Maliki were “how to fully remove ‎Iraq out of US dominance” and “talks about annihilation of the Monafeqin [derogatory term used by the ‎Iranian regime for PMOI]. Maliki’s meeting with Jalili, Secretary of the Supreme National Security ‎Council, “concentrated on Monafeqin and their expulsion from Ashraf and Iraq.”‎

The solution put forward by the Islamic Republic is to increase pressures on Ashraf in the first stage and ‎assume full control over it; Mr. Maliki was briefed in these meetings about the ways he should impose ‎these pressures. In the second stage, the Monafeqin are to be moved to remote places, to two or three ‎camps, away from the Iranian border to force them to return back to Iran.” This report adds that many ‎issues were discussed in unofficial meetings or during “opportune times” since “all those accompanying ‎Maliki were not trusted elements”.‎

In Maliki’s visit to Tehran, “preliminary agreements and understandings” were reached. “The parties agreed ‎to form a ‘joint committee’ to carry out these agreements”; whereby, “Iraqi friends would be briefed on the ‎suggestions and methods of the Islamic Republic in resolving the issues”. This committee, entirely under ‎control of the terrorist Quds force, has immediately begun its work.‎

Upon the request of the regime, Maliki visited Moqtada al-Sadr in his residence in Qom. Reports indicate ‎that “Sadr may again distance himself from Maliki; his coalition with Maliki is fragile as he gave in to this ‎coalition only under Iran’s pressure”. ‎

A final report on Maliki’s visit to Tehran reads: “As far as Maliki is concerned, he has accepted all our ‎proposals and conditions… however, previous experience has shown that due to enormous problems ‎Maliki faces inside Iraq and since he is no longer officially the prime minister, he therefore has no longer ‎the authority to sign agreements and hence is unable to fulfill all his promises. However, the agreements ‎will be recorded in the context of the joint committee so that they would be implemented once he comes ‎to power”.‎

The truth is, however, that due to the increasing abhorrence of the Iraqi people, be it Shiites, Sunnis, ‎Kurds or Arabs, of the religious fascism ruling Iran, Maliki’s visit to Tehran and his repugnant kowtow ‎such as praying behind top henchman Hashemi Shahroudi, former head of the clerical regime’s judiciary ‎responsible for the execution and deaths of thousands of prisoners, has significantly weakened Maliki’s ‎position amongst Iraqi political forces and turned him into the most despised political figure in Iraq.‎

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 23, 2010‎

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