Cash is sent to Damascus in the Guards’ suitcases and transferred

Khamenei: Syria is more important than Iraq and Lebanon and is the front line; we must fully support it and risk lives to save itAccording to received reports from within the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the mullahs’ regime funds part of the expenses of suppression and killings in Syria by cash.

Part of this cash is transferred by dispatched guards and in their suitcases. The suitcases are delivered in Tehran’s airport, are taken in Damascus airport, and delivered to Brigadier General Razi Mousavi in the Iranian regime’s Embassy in Damascus.
Another means for giving money to the suppression and killings machinery in Syria is through another regime’s export of terrorism organization, the so-called “Khomeini Aid Committee”, which has offices in Syria and Lebanon. This committee has recently provided lots of cash to Hezbollah terrorists and other mercenaries who have been hired from Syria and Lebanon to defend Assad regime.
Currently about 1000 of these mercenaries including Hezbollah terrorists and other Iranian regime’s hired mercenaries are stationed in Zeinabiyeh district and are guarding this area.  The Iranian regime intends, before it is too late and the area falls to the hands of Free Syrian Army, to evacuate the area from Sunnis and replace them with forces loyal to the regime and to Assad.
In addition to the above mentioned 1000 people, the regime has employed 650 of its agents who are religious students and are affiliated to an organ called “Al-Mustafa community” in Zeinabiyeh, to protect the area. The clerical regime has recently appointed a mullah by the name of “Biniaz” to the head of this seminary, which is in close relationship with the Guards and Hezbollah.
Khamenei recently said in an internal meeting that to save Syria and Bashar Assad, one must risk life. “Here is the front line and the continuation of resistance depends on Assad being in power. So he should be comprehensively supported, in the current situation for Iran, Syria is more important than Iraq, Lebanon, India, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 19, 2012

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