Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismCall to Prevent Iran Regime's Terrorism/Fundamentalism Institutions' Freedom of Action in Germany

Call to Prevent Iran Regime’s Terrorism/Fundamentalism Institutions’ Freedom of Action in Germany


The Iranian Resistance condemns a three-day event planned for the end of July, hosted primarily by two institutions established by the Iranian regime for the exporting of terrorism and fundamentalism, namely “Al-Mustafa” mosque and “Islamic Community of Shiite Communities of Germany” (IGS). The Iranian Resistance calls on the relevant authorities to prevent this event, which will ultimately serve to spread fundamentalism and terrorism within Europe.

The “Al-Mustafa” mosque is a notorious international terrorism-promoting institution founded by the Iranian regime and under the supervision of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. This organization is linked to the Revolutionary Guard Quds Force and its declared task is to recruit non-Iranian nationalities. These individuals are then deployed in the mullahs’ war machine and warmongering.

According to research conducted by the BILD newspaper, the Federal Ministry of Families was part of the program “Democracy Live! Active Against Right-Wing Extremism, Violence and Human Rights” in 2017. At least 18,225 euros from these activities is to be forwarded to the IGS. The event is staged by Al Mustafa as a “service provider”.

According to reports issued by constitutional authorities, “IGS […] is closely linked to the Islamist leadership of Iran … Pro-Iranian institutions in Germany are to be assessed as instruments of Iranian governance representing their theocratic state doctrine, being incompatible with the liberal democratic order.”

The Iranian Resistance calls for the promotion of this workshop to be withdrawn immediately, and the Federal Ministry of Families should disassociate itself publicly from these two Al-Mustafa and IGS institutions that are involved terrorism and fundamentalism. Using public funds to support such institutions, which are controlled by the Iranian regime, and persons serving to strengthen the religious dictatorship of the “Velayat-e-Faqih” is directed against the security and peace in Europe. It also endangers Iranian dissidents who have fled to Germany to escape this regime’s torture and oppression. According to a decision of the Council of the European Union in April 1997, the agents of the Iranian regime and its Quds force must be expelled from Germany and Europe.

Germany Representation of the National Council of Resistance Iran – Berlin
July 21, 2017