Baghdad criminal bombings and the role of Iranian regime

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns today’s bombings in Baghdad which has led to 130 deaths and hundreds of injuries among innocent people by this afternoon. It also offers condolences to the bereaved families of those killed and wishes rapid recovery for the wounded.

Based on reliable information and documents from inside the Iranian Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps and the terrorist Quds Force, ruling clerics in Iran are the main force behind bombings in Iraq.

However, some Iraqi officials are trying to cover up the Iranian regime’s role in the bombings and deviate the attentions from the main source of terrorism and insecurity. Mowaffaq al-Rubaie, former National Security Advisor in the Iraqi Government, is one of those people specialized in such efforts.

It is worth recalling that on August 7, 2007, Mr. Tariq Al-Hashemi, Iraqi Vice President, demanded that the department for Homeland Security to be disbanded and described this organ as a “Shame” for Iraqis.

The Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in its statement on August 19, 2009, referred to the earlier bombings in Baghdad and said: “A serious investigation into the manufacture and the production of explosives and weapons used in Wednesday’s attacks in Baghdad will better reveal the role of the Iranian regime. It is surprising that the Iraqi authorities have never mentioned a word about the terrorist Qods Force or the Iranian regime’s crimes, meddling and rampant terrorism in Iraq and the multitude of explosives, ammunition and weapons that are sent to that country from Iran.”

This is while there is no doubt about the role of the Iranian regime in these criminal bombings. The regime is extremely infuriated by the adoption of the new election law and the efforts of Iraqi nationalist and independent groups to offer an Iraqi alternative against the one by the mullahs ruling Iran, and also growing public hatred towards Iraqi groups affiliated to it. In these circumstances, by intensifying terrorist activities, the regime is trying to disrupt the election process or redirect it into a course where its elements can be once again drawn out of ballot boxes by rigging.

Two years ago, The Washington Post revealed that the U.S. intelligence had "warned in the summer and fall of 2004 that the Iranians were pumping money into Iraq to steer the Jan. 30, 2005, elections toward the coalition of Shiite religious parties known as the United Iraqi Alliance."  (WP, August 30, 2007)

Iranian regime's state-run news agency IRNA quoted Rafsanjani on February 25, 2007 as saying, "The majority members of the Iraqi parliament are those that we liked them to be elected and from this parliament a government came out that is friendly to Iran."

On September 12, 2007, Larijani, then secretary of the mullahs' Supreme National Security Council said, "Iran was the only country in the region which supported the parliamentary elections and a national government in Iraq… We have always encouraged those who we believed to be our friends and listen to us, such as the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Islamic Dawa Party, both of these groups and various other groups." (Iranian state-run TV)

The ruling mullahs have repeatedly said that they consider Iraq as their front line in facing U.S. while Lebanon and Palestine being at the "depth of their strategic point."  They have explicitly said that "any bomb that explodes in Iraq will postpone any American conspiracy against Iran for a month." (Mohebinia, member of mullahs’ parliament, May 18, 2006). They have also been emphasizing that "the Iranian issue will not be resolved at the negotiating table but in the streets of Beirut and Baghdad." (State-run daily Keyhan, August 27, 2006)

As the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly stated, as long as the Iranian regime's agents dominate the Iraqi security apparatus and state institutions, Iraq will not achieve security and stability. In June 2006, some 5.2 million Iraqis and in June 2008 some three million Iraqi Shiites called for eviction of the Iranian regime from Iraq. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 8, 2009

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