Iran: Terror Attack Against Iranian Resistance Gathering Foiled, Three Arrested

Iran: Terror Attack Against Iranian Resistance Gathering Foiled, Three Arrested

Asadollah Assadi, head of mullahs’ intelligence at Iranian regime’s embassy in Vienna and liaison of terrorists in Germany is among those arrested.

According to a joint statement by the Belgian federal prosecutor and the federal intelligence and security agency, a terrorist couple affiliated with the Iranian regime who were commissioned to commit a terrorist attack against the Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris on June 30, were arrested in Belgium, and the judge issued an arrest warrant against them today.

According to the statement, they were found carrying about 500 grams of TATP material and a detonator mechanism in a women’s makeup briefcase. According to this statement, a person suspected of complicity with the two aforementioned individuals was simultaneously arrested in France. The statement adds that an Iranian diplomat from the Iranian regime’s embassy in Vienna, who was the liaison with the arrested terrorists, was also arrested in Germany.

1. The couple who were arrested in a Mercedes-Benz in the city of Antwerp, Belgium, were Amir Sadouni (38) and Nasim Naami (34), who pretended to be supporters of PMOI. They had Belgian citizenship.

Amir Sadouni worked in a shipping company operating between the Netherlands and Belgium and secretly traveled to Iran. Nasim Naami went to Belgium from Iran in 2009 and married Sadouni.

2. The diplomat-terrorist arrested in Germany is Asadollah Assadi (47), who has been the head of the Iranian regime’s intelligence station at the regime’s embassy in Vienna since 2014. He had given the final order to the terrorists to attack the June 30th gathering. Asadollah Assadi had replaced the regime’s another diplomat-terrorist by the name of Mostafa Roudaki. Mostafa Roudaki went to Tehran from Austria, and was dispatched to Albania in 2017 as the first secretary of the embassy in order to pursue espionage and terrorist activities against the PMOI. In order to facilitate Roudaki’s activities, the Habilian Center and Didehban Association, two branches of the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS), became active in Albania under the guise of cultural and press activities.

3. The person who has been arrested in France on suspicion of complicity with the terrorists is Mehrdad Arefani (55 years old). His wife, who has separated from him, was linked to an intelligence officer in Iran.

4. The Belgian police have inspected five other places in different parts of Belgium, but the results have not been disclosed yet due to security reasons.

Iranian Resistance had repeatedly warned before against the terrorist preparations by the mullahs’ diplomats and the mercenaries of the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and the Quds Force in various European countries including Belgium.

The European intelligence organizations, in their annual reports, have consistently emphasized that the PMOI and the National Council of Resistance of Iran are the main targets of the Ministry of Intelligence and the terrorist Quds Force. Following the regime’s terrorist attacks in Europe, the European Union on April 29, 1997, ordered the mullahs’ mercenaries and intelligence and security agents to be expelled from the Member States and not allowed to enter any of these countries.

In this regard, the Iranian Resistance called for the closure of the embassies and agencies of the mullahs’ regime, the centers of terrorism and espionage, and the expulsion of diplomats and the agents of intelligence and terrorist Quds Force from the European countries, and emphasized the need to disclose and publish all details of the case. Public opinion must be fully informed about the mullahs’ regime’s terrorist plots. This is necessary to ensure the security of Iranian refugees and dissidents.

National Council of Resistance of Iran
Security and Anti-terrorism Committee
July 2, 2018

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