Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran: NCRI Women’s Committee Urges International Condemnation

Iran: NCRI Women’s Committee Urges International Condemnation Of Clerical Regime’s Gender Apartheid, Barring Women From Entering Stadiums and Attacking Them With Pepper Spray The Women's Committee...

International Women’s Day Conference With the Participation of 170 Political Figures From 37 Countries

Maryam Rajavi: Let Us Call This Year’s International Women’s Day, the Day of Resistance by the Women of Ukraine On the eve of International Women's...

Iran: Woman, 23, Executed in Qazvin After Five Years in Prison

Two Young Prisoners Hanged in Ardabil On Saturday, February 5, 2022, a 23-year-old woman named Khatoon Hamidi was executed by the clerical regime in Qazvin...
A Glance at Iran Regime’s Misogynist Constitution

Iran: The Misogynist Clerical Regime Is Responsible for Provoking Women’s Murder

The Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) expresses its shock over the horrific murder and beheading of the 17-year-old...

Iran: Three Women Political Prisoners Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Supporting MEK

Authorities Seize Property of One of Them The Three Prisoners Had Already Been Imprisoned for Many Years in the 1980s and 2010s On Thursday, January 6,...

Hired Thugs Attack Female Political Prisoners in Qarchak Prison

  Call to save the lives of female political prisoners; International Commission of Inquiry must visit Iranian prisons On Monday night, September 14, the criminal director...

Situation of Women in Ahvaz Sepidar Prison: Torture, Crackdown With Water and Electricity Cuts...

  The situation of women in Ahvaz Sepidar prison is extremely critical. Endless torture and harassment, along with the Coronavirus outbreak, coupled with continuous water...
Women political prisoners in the notorious Qarchak Prison are in dangerous and catastrophic conditions

Iran: Women Political Prisoners in the Notorious Qarchak Prison Are in Dangerous and Catastrophic...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls for urgent action to save the lives of political prisoners, and to launch an international fact-finding mission to visit Iran...
The Mullahs’ Misogynous Regime Is Preparing Further Clampdown on Iran’s Women and Youths Under the Pretext of Improper Veiling

The Mullahs’ Misogynous Regime Is Preparing Further Clampdown on Iran’s Women and Youths Under...

Fearing another spike in popular protests in Iran, the mullahs’ misogynous regime is launching a new wave of arbitrary arrests to clamp down on...

Iran: Female Breadwinners, Primary Victims of the Repressive Regime During the Coronavirus Outbreak

One sector of society that suffers dual economic pressure is nearly four million female breadwinners, most of whom live under the absolute poverty line....