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The mullahs’ regime accelerates its nuclear projects to acquire nuclear bomb before sanctions bite

Sample ImageImposition of comprehensive sanctions is a necessity now

NCRI – While the international sanctions have increased pressures on the Iranian regime and consequently intensifying internal crisis within the regime, in a hollow show of force, head of the regime’s Atomic Energy Agency declared that “finding locations for building 10 uranium enrichment sites has been completed and building one of these centers will start later this year or the beginning of next year.”

Meanwhile the regime’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisted on continuing with uranium enrichment to 20%.

The regime by using these maneuvers and measures that are in violation of the UN Security Council resolutions and NPT, is trying to downplay the effects of the sanctions on one hand and to accelerate its nuclear projects to acquire nuclear bomb on the other before the sanctions bite.

As the Iranian resistance has times and again warned, acquiring nuclear bomb is part of the mullahs’ strategy for preserving their sinister rule on Iran and consequently they will never cease these projects.  The mullahs who found enough time in past years by exploiting the appeasement policy to advance their nuclear projects, now intend to abuse “targeted negotiations” that some international partners are contemplating to slow down the effect of the sanctions and to buy time to complete their nuclear projects.

With the three-months deadline of the UN Security Council resolution 1921 approaching,  the Iranian resistance calls for comprehensive oil, trade, technological and diplomatic sanctions on the clerical regime  as a necessary measure to prevent the acquiring of nuclear bomb by the terrorist rulers of Iran and warns against dangerous consequences of any delays in this respect under any pretext.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 18, 2010