The mullahs in Iran, worried about their overthrow, accelerate quest for nuclear bomb as their guarantee for survival



Comprehensive sanctions are urgent and necessary; however, the final solution is the regime change by the Iranian people and their resistance

NCRI – Ahmadinejad, the President of the religious fascim ruling Iran, on Wednesday February 15th in an obvious confrontation with the international community and in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, announced installing nuclear fuel rods in Tehran reactor and making the Fardo site operational.

As the Iranian resistance has warned many times, the decaying mullahs’ regime, worried of their overthrow and a repeat of Arab Spring, has intensified its efforts to obtain nuclear bomb.

The tide of social dissent and increasing power struggle at the top of the mullahs’ regime, specially on the eve of parliamentary elections, has made the mullahs’ regime accelerate nuclear projects, and delay and hesitation in imposing comprehensive sanctions has provided them the opportunity to do so.
The Iranian resistance once again stresses on the need for comprehensive and immediate sanctions specially financial and oil sanctions, and points out that the final solution to get rid of nuclear-armed fundamentalists is the regime change by the Iranian people and the Iranian resistance. The first step is the removal of the unjust terrorism label against this resistance and to guarantee the protection of Ashraf residents, members of the this resistance in Iraq.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran 
February 15, 2012

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