Send Iran nuclear file to UN Security Council – Vienna rally

Thousands of Iranians in Vienna rally demanded removal of terror tag from People’s Mojahedin

NCRI – Over 2,500 Iranians demonstrated outside the International Atomic Energy Agency headquarters in Vienna as the Agency’s Board of Governors met inside. The demonstrators called for the immediate referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council for imposition of comprehensive sanctions.
Thousands of Iranians in Vienna rally demanded removal of terror tag from People’s Mojahedin
NCRI – Over 2,500 Iranians demonstrated outside the International Atomic Energy Agency headquarters in Vienna as the Agency’s Board of Governors met inside. The demonstrators called for the immediate referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council for imposition of comprehensive sanctions.
The demonstrators chanted slogans against appeasing the clerical regime and lauded the Iranian resistance for alerting the world to the danger of the mullahs armed with nuclear weapons. They stressed that countries, which obstruct the referral of the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the Security Council for trade and commercial reasons, are not helping the cause of peace and tranquility in the region or in the world.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, told the demonstrators in a message: "The clerical regime’s nuclear crisis has entered a critical and dangerous phase in recent months. The mullahs’ threatening posture is due to the weak and indulgent response and hesitation of Western policy towards that regime. The policy of appeasement and the numerous concessions and opportunities afforded to the mullahs in recent weeks will only buy time for the mullahs and eventually lead to war and catastrophe."
On behalf of the Iranian people, she called on the Board of Governors to refer the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the Security Council without delay and impose comprehensive sanctions. She added that the leaders of the mullahs’ regime must be tried in an international court for their crimes against humanity and expelled from international bodies.
Speakers at the event called for the immediate referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the Security Council. They included Mrs. Resetarits, member of European Parliament from Austria, Hans Kristian Neerskov, President of International Sakharov Committee, Mgr Jacques Gaillot from France, Lenart Friden, former member of Swedish Parliament, Reza Rohani, chairman of an NCRI committee, Jamshid Peyman, writer and poet, Micehaeel  Ganer, President of Association of Refugees in Need in Austria, Dr. Alireza Asar and Dr. Manouchehr Fakhimi, two renowned Iranian scientists with expertise in nuclear work.
The final declaration of the demonstration read in part, "Any delay in referring Tehran’s nuclear file to the Security Council would push the sole state sponsor of terror in the world toward obtaining the world’s most dangerous weapons. This would make war or a foreign military intervention inevitable and cause a catastrophe of global dimensions. The only real and effective option to prevent war and the only definitive way to end the Tehran regime’s nuclear threat as well as its policy of exporting terrorism and fundamentalism to the countries in the region is to support democratic change by relying on the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance. This is the third option, which was first proposed by the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi at the European Parliament last December."
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 24, 2005

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