Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Mrs. Rajavi welcomes adoption of Security Council resolution, urges comprehensive sanctions

Mrs. Rajavi welcomes adoption of Security Council resolution, urges comprehensive sanctions

Democratic change is the ultimate solution to prevent fundamentalists and terrorists from obtaining nuclear weaponsNCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance,...

Maryam Rajavi: Latest IAEA report sounds alarm bells for the international community

It increases the necessity and urgency of comprehensive sanctions against the Iranian regimeNCRI - The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, described...

Maryam Rajavi: Iranian regime’s claim to have agreed to a nuclear fuel swap is...

This is a maneuver to prevent adoption of a sanction resolution and the regime is trying to buy more time to complete its nuclear...

Efforts by Ahmadinejad to conceal Iranian regime’s Nuclear Weapons Program

Desperate efforts by Ahmadinejad to conceal Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program and prevent a globally decisive policyNCRI - On Friday, April 9, 2010 the regime’s...
Maryam Rajavi calls on G8 foreign ministers’ meeting to impose comprehensive sanctions on Iran regime

Maryam Rajavi calls on G8 foreign ministers to impose comprehensive sanctions on Iran regime

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called on G8 foreign ministers to impose immediate comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime....

Maryam Rajavi describes IAEA’s latest report a warning to world community, calls for sanctions

Comprehensive sanctions against mullahs is first step, but the ultimate solution is to get rid of fundamentalists armed with nuclear bombNCRI - Mrs. Maryam...
Imposition of comprehensive sanctions first imperative and immediate step to stop mullahs acquire atom bomb

Imposition of sanctions, first imperative and immediate step to stop mullahs acquire atom bomb

NCRI - Remarks by mullahs’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday, February 7, regarding the production of 20 percent enriched uranium and his admission that...
Iranian regime's satellite launch is a cover for its nuclear warhead carrying missiles

Iranian regime’s satellite launch is a cover for its nuclear warhead carrying missiles

NCRI - Iranian regime's Defense Minister, Revolutionary Guard Ahmad Vahidi, announced on Monday the regime's plans for "unveiling three satellites," named Tolo, Mesbah II,...
File Photo

Iran regime tested missile with 2,500 km range, capable of carrying nuclear warhead

NCRI - Iranian regime test fired a missile with the range of about 2,500 km on Wednesday, December 16, 2009. Revolutionary Guard Ahmad Vahidi,...
File photo: Iranian exiles protest

Iran: Mullahs’ Parliament Speaker totally rejected hand over of enriched uranium

Latest decision by Iran, underlines the need to impose comprehensive sanctions against mullahsAli Larijani, Speaker of Majlis (mullahs’ parliament), on Sunday totally rejected the...