Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran: Elections won’t affect nuclear policy- Alaeddin Boroujerdi

Chairman of Iran's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission: “Relations with US is our red line; elections won’t affect nuclear policy” NCRI - Alaeddin...

Iran: The only solution to stop mullahs’ nuclear weapon

The Iranian regime announced the opening of new key nuclear-related projects on Tuesday that expand the its ability to extract and process uranium,...

Iran: Increasing cancer cases in Arak due to non-standard power plant

NCRI - In an unprecedented confession, Majlis (parliament) member from the city of Arak said: “Due to the Shazand power plant, the residents of...

Prior to the IAEA meeting in Tehran, the Iranian regime’s media have been briefed...

The Supreme National Security Council of the clerical regime has tasked the editors of trusted media in a confidential instruction to portray the IAEA...

Khamenei tacitly acknowledgement of his regime’s efforts to obtain nuclear weapons

“It is forbidden to halt, if we stop moving forward we will be thrown back… We are moving closer to the peak. When we...

New IAEA report indicative of increased efforts by mullahs’ regime to acquire nuclear weapons

NCRI - According to the new IAEA report, the religious dictatorship ruling Iran has tripled the speed of uranium enrichment to 20% level and...

Preventing inspectors from having access to nuclear sites; Khamenei insists on continuing nuclear projects

NCRI - The day after futile mission of IAEA inspectors who were refused to visit Iranian regime’s nuclear sites, Khamenei, the mullahs’ Supreme Leader,...

The mullahs in Iran, worried about their overthrow, accelerate quest for nuclear bomb as...

Comprehensive sanctions are urgent and necessary; however, the final solution is the regime change by the Iranian people and their resistance NCRI - Ahmadinejad,...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, while welcoming the decision by the EU Council of Ministers, called...

Sanctions are necessary but the ultimate solution to the mullahs' regime nuclear weapons program is supporting Iranian people's struggle for regime change NCRI -...

Welcoming increased sanctions against the Iranian regime specially the Central Bank; Call for oil...

• Sanctions are necessary but the final solution to nuclear drive is the overthrow of the religious fascism ruling Iran NCRI - The Iranian resistance...