Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran stresses continuation of nuclear and missile project as talks continue

NCRI - As another round of nuclear talks approaches, the Iranian regime's leaders are both pushing ahead with their nuclear and missile projects, and...

Iranian Resistance underscores implementation of NPT Additional Protocol by the regime

NCRI - On the eve of arrival of UN nuclear inspectors in Tehran, the Iranian regime's Atomic Energy Organization said on Saturday  that it...

Iran: Mullahs set stage for violating nuclear deal, counter critics with propaganda

NCRI - A week after signing the nuclear deal in Geneva, leaders of the clerical regime ruling Iran who view abandoning nuclear weapons as...

Khamenei remarks reveal Iranian regime’s deception to ease sanctions, continue nuclear project

NCRI - Hours before initiation of new round of nuclear negotiations in Geneva, the Iranian regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, while expressing support for...

Iran: Nuclear accord without enrichment halt, closure of Arak, Additional Protocol, offers mullahs opportunity...

NCRI - In the current nuclear crisis, any accord between the international community and mullahs’ regime not encompassing complete halt of enrichment, full shutdown...

Khamenei underlines expansion of nuclear weapons project, calling it ‘continuance of accelerated scientific progress’

NCRI - Ali Khamenei, the clerical regime’s Supreme Leader, said on Wednesday, October 9: “The policy of accelerated scientific progress is Islamic system’s deep-seated...

Rouhani: Nuclear program is national, nonpartisan, and we will not give it up

NCRI - Hassan Rohani, the new President of the Iranian regime in his first press conference after taking office emphasized on the continuation of...

Iran: Khamenei’s new fatwas are aimed at intensifying crackdown

Ali Khameinei's new fatwas forbids revealing the Iranian regime’s crimes, listening to music, dancing, wearing short sleeve shirts by men, going to monasteries and...

Under Rouhani, Iranian regime will press ahead with violation of Security Council resolutions

The head of the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Organization: Rouhani’s election will not bring any changes in nuclear policies and uranium enrichment will not...

Nuclear negotiations help Iranian regime acquire nuclear bomb

NCRI - IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano addressing the 35-nation body said on Monday the nuclear activities of the Iranian regime are "in clear...