Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Maryam Rajavi: Democratic change and an end to the Iran Regime

Maryam Rajavi: Eradicating the Clerical Regime’s Nuclear and Terrorism Threats Means Getting Rid of...

Democratic change and an end to the religious fascism ruling Iran is a requisite for regional peace, democracy, security, and stability After several decades...

Iran: Production and Testing of New Ballistic Missiles by the Mullahs’ Regime and the...

On Saturday, September 23, Iranian regime announced, test launching a new ballistic missile named Khorramshahr. The range of the missile, which was shown on...

Fearful Reaction of the Highest Officials of the Clerical Regime to the Iranian Resistance...

Need for quick inspection of the disclosed site and interviews with experts of the mullahs' regime Following the Iranian Resistance revelations on April 21...

Implementation of JCPOA and intensification of regime’s internal crises on the verge of elections

The released funds will serve Khamenei and IRGC and won’t be used to resolve Iranian people’s problems The adoption of the JCPOA by the...

IAEA report indicates lack of cooperation by Iranian regime and clear violation of JCPOA

Agency confirms that regime’s nuclear weapons program has continued at least until 2009 Report indicates the 2003 disclosure by the Resistance was a decisive...

Rafsanjani’s admissions:

In the beginning we were looking to have such a capability Khamenei and Rafsanjani personally wanted to meet Abdul Qadeer KhanQuarter of a century...

 Khamenei compelled to approve nuclear deal paves way for violations

On Wednesday, October 21, Iranian regime supreme leader Khamenei who is deeply concerned about the consequences of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)...
parchin site

IAEA: Constant modifications in Parchin have undermined agency’s ability to conduct effective verification

By barring stringent inspection of Parchin, Iranian regime is planning to prevent disclosure of previous military activities and leave open the path for further...
Nuclear inspectors

IRGC Brigadier General Hoseini Tash, a senior official involved in bomb-making, is tasked to...

Call for all nuclear agreements and intrusive inspections of military and non-military sites to be made public• The paragraphs of “Separate arrangement II” as...

Iran regime’s top nuclear negotiator admits to lying to IAEA

In statements published on state radio and TV website Araqchi acknowledges: • The EBW exploding detonators belonged to Ministry of Defense • We declared Fordow...