Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Iran regime to celebrate turning into a nuclear state

Iran regime to celebrate turning into a nuclear state

Delay in adopting firm policy and imposing immediate sanctions bring mullahs a step closer to obtaining atomic bombThe President of the mullahs' regime...
Iran: Installation of 60,000 new centrifuges, a step further to acquire atomic weapon

Iran: Installation of 60,000 new centrifuges, a step further to acquire atomic weapon

NCRI - The following is a statement issued by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on November 15, 2006:...

Iran: Mullahs’ decision to install 3,000 centrifuges necessitates comprehensive sanctions

NCRI - The spokesman for the Iranian regime's Foreign Ministry said today that the regime is planning to install 3,000 centrifuges for uranium...

Iran-nuclear : Need for comprehensive sanctions

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, following the operation of the second series of nuclear "centrifuge cascades" by the mullahs' regime,...

Iran : Mullahs’ president blackmails international community

NCRI - During a stage-show gathering on Friday, the president of the mullahs' regime Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened and blackmailed European states. He said,...

Iran: Delay in imposing comprehensive sanctions against mullahs’ regime is not permissible

NCRI - On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of the European Union admitted that EU nuclear talks with the Iranian regime had run into...
Iran: Mullahs' nuclear projects have no purpose but development of a nuclear bomb

Iran: Mullahs’ nuclear projects have no purpose but development of a nuclear bomb

NCRI - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said on October 2 in an interview with the state-run news agency ISNA, "Our position...

Iran: Negotiating with mullahs’ brings them closer to atomic bomb

NCRI - The Iranian Resistance condemns the EU's fruitless negotiations with the mullahs' regime since it considers it to be a destructive policy...
Iranian Resistance demands cancellation of trip by Ali Larijani to Germany

Iranian Resistance demands cancellation of trip by Ali Larijani to Germany

Negotiations with the mullahs' regime is against international peaceNCRI - The Iranian Resistance condemns the trip by Ali Larijani to Germany and calls...
Iran regime pursues policy of blackmail and warmongering to prevent international community's firm decision

Iran regime pursues policy of blackmail and warmongering to prevent international community’s firm

NCRI - In the run-up to the session of the United Nations Security Council to decide on how to stop the atomic projects...