Wednesday, July 17, 2024

IAEA report makes imposing comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime more imperative

NCRI - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stressed in a report published today that not only has the Iranian regime defied the United...

Iranian resistance condemns the meeting of Solana and Larijani

The Iranian resistance strongly condemns the meeting between Javier Solana and Ali Larijani. This meeting will only provide more time to the mullahs ruling...

Ahmadinejad’s remarks reveal regime’s intentions of building an atomic bomb

Ahmadinejad's comments are hollow show of force to make the international community succumb to its nuclear programNCRI - Today's remarks by Ahmadinejad regarding...

Iran: Mrs. Maryam Rajavi welcomes UN Security Council resolution

She calls for imposition of comprehensive sanctions against mullahs' regimeThe ultimate solution is democratic change by the Iranian people and their Resistance NCRI -...

Mullahs’ nuclear deception continues while the deadline to Security Council Resolution on Iran pas

NCRI - Yesterday, IAEA chief Mohammad ElBaradei sent his report to the nuclear watchdog's 35-nation Board of Governors and the UN Security Council,...

Ahmadinejad’s insistence on enrichment coupled with the trip by Larijani to buy more time...

NCRI - Yesterday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in addressing the people in of Gilan (Northern Province of Iran) insisted on enrichment and ridiculously said, "If...

Iran: Larijani is dispatched to buy time in Vienna

Concurrent with the mullahs' full steam ahead in obtaining atomic bombNCRI - On Tuesday, according to the mullahs' official news agency, IRNA, Brig....

Iran’s regime rejects UN resolution 1737 and expands uranium enrichment program

An indispensable call for imposition of comprehensive sanctions NCRI - Less than three weeks remaines before the deadline for UN resolution 1737 calling...

Maryam Rajavi: the elections’ boycott demonstrated Iranian people are able to bring change in...

Sham Assembly of Experts elections - 5According to eye witness accounts, thousands of polling stations reported a small fraction of eligible voters participated...