Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Blackmail and intimidation by the mullahs’ regime to prevent a new sanction resolution

NCRI - The mullahs' regime has resorted to blackmail and intimidation to prevent a new UN sanction resolution. To that end, the regime's Ministry...

Iran: Jalili’s presence in EU Parliament is aimed at buying more time for Iran’s...

NCRI - The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the invitation of Saeed Jalili, the mullahs' Secretary of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) to speak at...
Iranian Resistance warns against mullahs' deception and concealment tactics after publication of NIE report

Iranian Resistance warns against mullahs’ deception and concealment tactics after NIE report

The clerical regime's guarantee for survival is to obtain nuclear weapons which it will not abandon; the threat is real for Iran and the...

IAEA report stipulates on the mullahs’ regime noncompliance with the UN Security Council resolutions

It is necessary to ratify a new comprehensive sanction resolution against the regime  NCRI - On November 15, the IAEA published its report on...
Iran: Two labor activists sentenced to serve time by the mullahs' judiciary

Massive explosion in Parchin missile site of the Guard Corps

NCRI - Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, November 13) a series of explosions rocked Parchin Military Site (where missiles, including Cruise missiles, are manufactured) in southern...

Iran: Ahmadinejad rejects any negotiations, IAEA expresses concern

NCRI - Yesterday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking in Tehran on "al-Quds day, a day of protests in support of the Palestinian people," defended the mullahs'...

Ahmadinejad counts on appeasement policy to obtain atomic bomb

NCRI - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in "addressing the inaugural ceremony of the 10th nationwide congress of the Students' Islamic Society in Tehran" said, " over...

IAEA report on mullahs’ nuclear project is a clear indication of violation of UN...

NCRI - The IAEA report on the Iranian regime's nuclear projects, despite its deficiencies and some unwarranted concessions made, is a clear sign of...
Mullahs' new scheme to postpone a new resolution

Mullahs’ new scheme to postpone a new resolution

Maryam Rajavi warned against the regime taking advantage of the IAEA and called for comprehensive sanctionsNCRI - Today, the ruling religious fascism in Iran...
Maryam Rajavi warned against the mullahs' policy of buying time to obtain nuclear weapons

Maryam Rajavi warned against the mullahs’ policy of buying time to obtain nuclear weapons

NCRI - President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, warned the IAEA on its agreement with the Iranian regime over "A new time...