New IAEA report indicative of increased efforts by mullahs’ regime to acquire nuclear weapons



NCRI – According to the new IAEA report, the religious dictatorship ruling Iran has tripled the speed of uranium enrichment to 20% level and currently disposes of around 110 kilograms of 20% enriched uranium. The said uranium was produced mostly in the city of Qom, where some 700 centrifuges are currently working.

According to the same report, 2600 new centrifuges have been installed in Natanz during the last three months, with the number of cascades increased from 37 to 52 since November. The report affirms that the mullahs’ regime currently disposes of 5451 kilograms of 5% enriched uranium.

According to this report, apart from denying the IAEA inspectors access to the Parchin site in relation to the military dimensions of its nuclear program, the regime has not provided any response to the IAEA on the disappearance of 19.8 kilograms of metal uranium in tests at Jaber ebn-e-Hayyan laboratories between 1995 and 2002.  In response to the IAEA’s demand for access to the file and to the personnel engaged in tests concerning metal uranium, the regime has stated that “related documents and personnel engaged in those tests are no longer available.”

Acquiring nuclear bomb is part of the mullahs’ regime strategy for survival and never will abandon it. The new IAEA report, clearly demonstrates the fact that the mullahs’ regime in Iran in fear of the tide of Arab Spring reaching Iran, and in faced with unprecedented domestic and international isolation, has intensified efforts to acquire nuclear weapons in recent months.

The mullahs’ regime approach in recent months and Khamenei’s emphasis on February 3rd concerning the continuation of the regime’s nuclear program under any circumstances, once again showed that negotiation with and appeasement of this regime goes nowhere and only gives the mullahs enough time to acquire a nuclear weapon.

Sanctions against the mullahs’ regime, although very necessary that should be implemented comprehensively as soon as possible, but the final solution to prevent this regime from obtaining nuclear weapons is a regime change, and the sanctions will be effective only if they are accompanied with the support for the Iranian people and their resistance to change the regime in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 25, 2012

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