NCRI: Mullahs’ insistence on continuing nuclear activities, require Security Council action

Mohammad MohaddessinThis morning, Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, stated that remarks by Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, the Secretary for the Supreme National Security Council, in which he rejected the official position by the European Union on Monday on the need to halt all nuclear activities, widespread human rights abuses and export of terrorism, "reflected the ruling theocracy’s determination to pursue efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, violate human rights and export terrorism and fundamentalism."
Mohaddessin added, the remarks, which were reaffirmed by the regime’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, "Leave no room for delay in referring Iran’s nuclear, human rights and terrorism files to the United Nations Security Council."
In their statement at the end of their Monday session in Brussels, EU foreign ministers expressed grave concern "at Iran’s resumption of activity at the Uranium Conversion Facility in Esfahan" and at "serious violations of human rights" especially Tehran’s breach of its obligations concerning a ban on juvenile executions. They also underscored that the regime must abide by the recent resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency, end all activities related to nuclear enrichment, and show respect for human rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms.
"The items in the EU statement against Iran have been formulated with an extremist attitude and I opposed them. I am also opposed to the items concerning human rights in Iran. If the Europeans are under the illusion that they can influence Iran through such psychological pressures, they are mistaken," Larijani said.
The Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi also rejected the EU’s statement. He said, "The interventionist and discriminatory attitude of the EU with regard to human rights is unacceptable”. Asefi reiterated "the legitimate rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran in using nuclear technology" and said, "Iran will not forego its rights and Europe must recognize Iran’s rights."
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 9, 2005

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