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Mullahs’ nuclear deception continues while the deadline to Security Council Resolution on Iran pas

NCRI – Yesterday, IAEA chief Mohammad ElBaradei sent his report to the nuclear watchdog’s 35-nation Board of Governors and the UN Security Council, confirming that the mullahs’ regime had refused to suspend their uranium enrichment as demanded by The Security Council Resolution 1737.

Separately, on Thursday, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a mockery of the international community in his speech in Anzali, Iran’s northern province of Gilan and said, “They talk about international community’s demands and that they do not trust us. We say who is the international community?. Your own people do not trust you. How can you claim that the international community does not trust us when [in comparison], Mr. Bush is afraid of walking done the streets in New York City, Washington [D.C.] or even in the streets of his home town …They say that they [the international community] do not trust you. We replay, it is their problem not ours to gain trust. They should go and sit in a corner and try to gain trust…Iranian nation is asking for its legal and inalienable right of access to nuclear technology, and it will not give up even an iota of its nuclear rights” (the state-run media, February 22).

On Wednesday, in Siahkal, Iran’s northern province of Gilan Ahmadinejad said, “You must know that the Iranian nation is determined to make use of its legal rights and it will not withdraw even one step from its stances…the best possible solution for the world’s powers is to chose a path of friendship with Iran, since we will pay no heed to their wrath.”

Simultaneously, the mullahs’ regime has dispatched a number of its official envoys as well as clandestine representatives such as Brig. Gen. Ali Larijani, the mullahs’ Supreme National Security Council’s Secretary, Manochehr Motaki, the regime’s Foreign Minister, and Ali Khamenei’s foreign relations adviser, Akbar Velayati to various countries in hope of deceptively showing that they are ready for talks. This team received help from those in Europe who advocate the appeasement policy vis-à-vis the regime and were trying vehemently to prevent another resolution against the clerical regime in the UN’s Security Council. The regime is determined to delay a new resolution as much as possible to have enough time to complete its nuclear project.

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin condemned attempts by some European officials in insisting on negotiating with the regime and said that pining hopes to various voices within the Iranian regime so far as its nuclear project is concerned will be a fatal mistake by the western countries. It will be a continuation of the same path which offered the religious fascism five years to come closer to obtaining an atomic weapon.   

He added that the regime violated the UN Security Council Resolution 1737 by not abiding by its mandates and deadline, any delay in implementing the comprehensive weapons, diplomatic, technological, and oil sanctions on the clerical regime will amount to endangering peace in the region and the world.

Mr. Mohaddessin said, today’s  advocates of appeasement policy and those who are trying to mollify the mullahs in Tehran should be prepared to answer to a war which will be  imposed on the region and the world by the ruling cleric in Iran. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 23, 2007