Mrs. Rajavi welcomes adoption of Security Council resolution, urges comprehensive sanctions

Mrs. Rajavi welcomes adoption of Security Council resolution, urges comprehensive sanctionsDemocratic change is the ultimate solution to prevent fundamentalists and terrorists from obtaining nuclear weapons

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed the seventh United Nations Security Council resolution dealing with the Iranian regime's nuclear program and the adoption of the fourth round of sanctions.

She said that the adoption of the sanction resolution, after two years of fruitless talks, made it abundantly clear that negotiations would only provide the regime with time and opportunity to complete its nuclear projects.

In the past two years, a multitude of incentives, including talks without preconditions or providing 20-percent enriched uranium or even ignoring the regime's continuing enrichment, have utterly failed. In the past few months, the Iranian regime did its utmost to prevent the adoption of the resolution and did not spare any threat or enticement to its foreign interlocutors. The last step in this endeavor was the deceptive and futile stunt with Turkey and Brazil.

Mrs. Rajavi added that Resolution S/Res/1929(2010) is a necessary but insufficient response to a regime, which in blatant breach of all international standards and covenants and in pursuit of the atom bomb has threatened regional and global peace and security. As the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly underscored, she noted, the mullahs view any negotiation and concession as a sign of the world community's weakness and feel emboldened to advance their nefarious nuclear program.

The Iranian Resistance's President-elect emphasized that the mullahs consider nuclear weapons and domination of Iraq as two pillars indispensable to prolonging their illegitimate rule and will therefore not abandon those plans, especially amid heightening public disdain toward the clerical regime and intensifying internal fissures. 

Democratic change in Iran is the ultimate solution to rid the world of the nightmare of fundamentalists and terrorists armed with nuclear weapons, she added.

Mrs. Rajavi stressed that decisiveness is the only correct approach toward this regime, adding that such a policy should include on the one hand a comprehensive oil, arms, technological and diplomatic embargo and on the other the recognition of the Iranian people's right to resist against religious dictatorship and the lifting of restrictions placed on the Iranian Resistance.

The resolution, in addition to sanctions adopted in the previous three documents, bans the export of heavy weapons, including warplanes, tanks, artillery, missiles, etc., to Iran. It also bars the regime from working on ballistic missiles and adds a new list of officials and commanders of the Revolutionary Guards as well as companies and entities affiliated with the regime to the existing UN blacklists.

The resolution asks all countries to search all shipments to, and from, Iran on their territory, including their seaports and airports and requests that they cooperate in such searches.

The resolution underlines that sanctions would be lifted only when the Iranian regime completely suspends uranium enrichment and related activities. If such activity is not halted after 90 days, the Council will consider further steps.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 9, 201

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