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Maryam Rajavi: the elections’ boycott demonstrated Iranian people are able to bring change in Iran

Sham Assembly of Experts elections – 5

According to eye witness accounts, thousands of polling stations reported a small fraction of eligible voters participated in the elections

Maryam Rajavi: the elections’ boycott demonstrated that Iranian people are able to bring change in Iran and rid the world from the major threat of the century

According to eye witnesses from thousands of polling stations in Tehran and other cities throughout the country, despite suppression and other suppressive measures by the mullahs’ regime, a small fraction of eligible voters participated in the elections. The Iranian people dealt a major and most comprehensive blow to the regime’s elections in its history.

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi congratulated the Iranian people for the total boycott of the sham elections of the regime’s Assembly of Experts and called it a display of national unity and Iranian people’s resolve for a change.
By resorting to well known discredited tactics to minimize the extent of the election boycott, the regime declared that the actual figure for eligible voters were much lower than the real number. Based on the most conservative estimates, the real figure for eligible voters is 52 million. The regime’s Interior Ministry declared the number of eligible voters to be 46.5 million. Where as, in June of 2005, in the run up to the regime’s presidential elections, the Interior Minister announced that the number of eligible voters is 46,700,000. Accordingly, in the 18 months the number of eligible voters actually decreased by 200,000.

Interestingly enough, in February of 2004, in the Majlis elections, the mullahs’ regime officially declared the number of eligible voter as 46,350,000. Where as, in the regime official counts the number of eligible voters grow by 250,000 each year. According to an official announcement “there are 2,450,032 first time voters this year,” the state-run new agency Fars reported on December 8.
To combat the boycott, the regime implemented all measures such as bribery and threats to increase the number of voters at the polling stations. To cover the stagnant sham election, the state television aired video clips belonging to previous years, showing polling stations with people wearing summer clothes.

The head of regime’s Elections’ Headquarters in Tehran admitted that a large number of buses illegally carried people to the polling places in various cities.

The regime’s agents used the birth certificates of dead and did not stamp the I.D. cards of their own people enabling them to vote at several polling stations. The paramilitary Bassij members were provided with thousands of Xerox copies of different birth certificates to fill the ballot boxes.

In some cites, the regime’s agents had tried to bilk destitute and addicts with a hot meal to vote at the polling stations. The regime’s agents under the pretext of Imam Khomeini’s Committees or Welfare Office paid huge amounts of money to destitute and addicts in order to buy their birth certificates.

Mrs. Rajavi called the all out boycott of the sham elections a strong reason for the regime’s imminent down fall. She said, “The boycott has proven that the Iranian people have demonstrated their will that united with their Resistance they can bring a democratic change and rid the world from the biggest threat of the 21st century,” and added, “The Iranian people’s boycott, in particular subsequent to the verdict by the European Court of First Instance to annul the “Decision” by the EU to put the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran on the terrorist list, would culminate into a firm policy to end the appeasement of the ruling religious fascism in Iran.”             

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 17, 2006