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Maryam Rajavi: IAEA report underscores need for Security Council Sanctions against Iran regime

Maryam Rajavi: IAEA report underscores need for Security Council Sanctions against Iran regimeNCRI – Subsequent the report by Dr. Mohammad ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to the United Nations Security Council, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect said, "The report leaves no doubt as to the ominous objectives of the clerical regime to acquire nuclear weapons and its efforts to deceive the international community in order to buy the time needed to build an atomic bomb."

"The Security Council must swiftly impose comprehensive sanctions against the ruling theocracy. Any delay would allow the mullahs to get closer to the bomb," she added.

Mrs. Rajavi emphasized, "The ultimate solution to confront the clerical regime’s threats is democratic change by the Iranian people and their organized Resistance. The terrorist tag against the People’s Mojahedin of Iran, the pivotal force in the Iranian Resistance, however, has acted as the main obstacle to this change and must be removed immediately."

The IAEA report pointed to the Iranian regime’s lack of cooperation on P-2 centrifuge programs, on information about blue prints that show how to form fissile uranium into warheads and links between clerical regime’s military establishment and its nuclear program. It also underscored that not only had the mullahs failed to halt uranium enrichment activities as demanded by the Security Council’s Presidential statement last March, but had in fact accelerated them. The report stated that "The agency cannot exclude the possibility … that the plutonium analyzed by the agency was derived from source(s) other than declared by Iran."

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 29, 2006