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Maryam Rajavi: Delay to impose comprehensive sanctions would bring mullahs closer to atom bomb

No nuke to mullahsNCRI – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its latest report on Iranian regime’s nuclear program emphasized that declaration of Qom secret site “reduces the level of confidence in the absence of other nuclear facilities under construction and gives rise to questions about whether there were any other nuclear facilities in Iran which had not been declared to the Agency.” The report added that IAEA “…still had questions about the purpose for which the facility had been intended and how it fits into Iran’s nuclear program.”

According to the report, the Qom site has been designed to house 3,000 centrifuges, which contrary to what the regime claims is not sufficient to produce electricity, but is adequate for production of enriched uranium to be used in a nuclear bomb.

Contrary to regime's claims that the construction of this site started in second half of 2007, the IAEA reiterated that it had obtained documents including satellite images that shows “… there had been construction at the site between 2002 and 2004, and that construction activities were resumed in 2006 and had continued to date”.  The Iranian Resistance revealed the existence of this secret nuclear facility at a press conference in Paris on December 20, 2005.

The Iranian Resistance information indicates that many of the experts involved in the construction and initiation of this site, including Morteza Behzad and Hossein Zilooei, are experts of the Ministry of Defense (MOD).   Some of them were experts who were working in the Command Headquarters and Production of the Nuclear Weapons known as Mojadeh site which is adjacent to Malek Ashtar University.

According to the IAEA’s latest report, the clerical regime currently has 1763kg of enriched uranium which shows an increase of 250 kg compared to the IAEA’s report on August 28. This amount of enriched uranium is sufficient for production of highly enriched uranium to be used in two nuclear warheads.

IAEA, in its latest report refers to the regime’s refusal to cooperate with the Agency’s inspectors on the military aspects of its nuclear program and adds that the Agency is still awaiting “a reply from Iran to its request to meet relevant Iranian authorities in connection with these issues.” The report underscores the regime’s refusal to respond to repeated requests of the IAEA to have access to “persons, information and locations identified…” that are involved in conduct of tests which are in question concerning the military aspects of its nuclear program.

The Agency further adds that Iran has not implemented the Additional Protocol, violated the UN Security Council resolutions and has ignored the recommendations of the IAEA’s Board of Directors including the suspension of uranium enrichment.

Commenting on the report, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said that since this project has no other objective than acquiring nuclear weapons, the Iranian regime has kept secret all or parts of its nuclear projects from the eyes of the international community and the IAEA for the past two decades.  Mrs. Rajavi added that in light of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising that has persisted for the past six months despite brutal suppression and the incurable internal feuding and rifts which have reached the leadership of the regime, the mullahs are more in need of acquiring nuclear bomb to save the regime than any other time.

She reiterated that there is no illusion that the regime has taken advantage of Western countries’ policy of engaging in negotiations and giving concessions in order to buy time to develop and complete its programs for procurement of weapons of mass destruction and efforts to acquire nuclear bomb.

Mrs. Rajavi said that time has come for the United Nations Security Council to immediately adopt comprehensive military, diplomatic, technological and oil sanctions against the regime.  She reiterated that any hesitation or providing more time to the regime under the pretext of negotiations would only pave the way for the mullahs to get closer to acquire nuclear bomb and would lead to an unprecedented international crisis.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 17, 2009