Maryam Rajavi calls on G8 foreign ministers to impose comprehensive sanctions on Iran regime

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called on G8 foreign ministers to impose immediate comprehensive sanctions on the Iranian regime. She said: Imposing sanctions on the regime is the first crucial step to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons. The Iranian people who seek regime change demand this.

She reiterated that political and economic ties with the regime has run counter to the interests of the Iranian people and change in Iran and helped the regime to maintain its suppressive rule, export terrorism and get closer to a nuclear bomb.

Eight years of talks with the regime by Europe’s troika, by P5+1 and direct negotiations by the United States constituted a wrongheaded, weak and destructive policy. This policy provided the regime ample time to complete its nuclear projects and at the same time emboldened the mullahs to defy international rules and treaties, she noted.

The Resistance’s President-elect stressed that the mullahs cannot abandon their nuclear weapons program as this is the only guarantee for their survival. Thus, the ultimate solution is democratic change in Iran to rid the world of terrorist fundamentalists armed with nuclear weapons. Regime change in Iran is not only the desire of the people of that country but also the world community. 

Addressing the eight leading industrial nations, Mrs. Rajavi said: The regime does not represent the Iranian people in any way, which renders relations or trade with it illegitimate. It is now time to recognize the Iranian people’s resistance for democracy.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 29, 2010


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