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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearLarijani's emphasis on enrichment in Iran underscores urgency of Security Council referral

Larijani’s emphasis on enrichment in Iran underscores urgency of Security Council referral

Nuclear plant in IranAli Larijani, secretary of the clerical regime’s Supreme Security Council, said yesterday in an interview with the French News Agency that the clerical regime “will not submit to Western demands to limit its disputed nuclear fuel drive.” Referring to the Russian proposal, Larijani said Tehran will not accept the kind of accord the West is now hoping for: “The negotiations will be about making nuclear fuel inside Iran. There is nothing else to talk about.”
Pointing to major weapons deals with Russia and China, Larijani warned: “The Europeans should know that if they send our case to the Security Council … we will have problems but they will not win.” He signaled that the regime was now impatient to resume enrichment work itself.
Larijani emphasized that the regime would push ahead with construction of centrifuges, saying that was outside the scope of any future talks with the EU-3 and could therefore restart at any moment. The Iranian Resistance revealed last month that during its two-year negotiations with the EU3, the mullahs’ regime was busy secretly constructing 5,000 centrifuges.
Mr. Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI, stressed: “Larijani’s remarks demonstrate the futility of any negotiations with the mullahs’ regime over the nuclear file and show that negotiations only give the regime more time to complete its evil nuclear weapons projects. Any hesitation or delay in referring the mullahs’ nuclear file to the UN Security Council draws the region and the world closer to the precipice of crisis and war.”
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 5, 2005