Khamenei remarks reveal Iranian regime’s deception to ease sanctions, continue nuclear project

NCRI – Hours before initiation of new round of nuclear negotiations in Geneva, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, while expressing support for “officials who are tasked to conduct the negotiations”, said: “The redlines in the nuclear issue ought to be adhered to and not a step back should be taken from rights.”

Speaking to a gathering of Basij forces Khamenei said: “to interpret ‘heroic flexibility’ as retreat is against reality and a misunderstanding. Heroic flexibility means artistic maneuvers and using variety of methods to achieve various goals and ideals of the Islamic system.”

While leaders of the clerical regime are clearly pleading in many ways for easing of sanctions, Khamenei demagogically claimed: “Sanctions will not work… contrary to enemy’s delusion, these pressures are an opportunity for us to overcome our weaknesses.”

In a hollow show of force, he said: “Clash of Iranian people with the aggressor will prove regretful for them and they will deliver a slap to the face of the aggressor that it will never forget.”

Concurrently, Speaker of mullahs’ parliament Larijani emphasized that Americans are suffering from “weakness, inaptitude and opportunism in the negotiations” and noted that the regime of “Iran will follow up its full peaceful nuclear rights”.

These remarks once again demonstrate that the clerical regime is attempting through deception and maneuvers to pursue the nuclear weapons project while diminishing the international sanctions. Regime’s objective of clandestine nuclear sites that the Iranian Resistance recently exposed two is to have the possibility to expand nuclear projects and at the same time use them as substitutes for known sites if critical circumstances arise.

Attaining nuclear weapons is part and parcel of mullahs’ strategy to save their reign from inevitable demise and they shall not abandon it as long as they can help it. As Mrs. Rajavi declared last week, arriving at an accord with the regime without full implementation of six Security Council resolutions is but a deception by the religious fascism ruling Iran and playing with regional and global peace and security and strengthening export of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Mrs. Rajavi had stated that any accord between the international community and the clerical regime, absent of complete halt to enrichment, halt in production and installation of centrifuges, complete closure of Arak’s heavy water site, acceptance of the Additional Protocol, and free access of the International Atomic Energy Agency to all of regime’s sites and experts who have been kept out of IAEA’s reach for years; simply offers further opportunities to this regime to attain nuclear weapons capability.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 20, 2013

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