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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIranians denounce mullahs' nuclear program, urge Security Council sanctions on Tehran regime

Iranians denounce mullahs’ nuclear program, urge Security Council sanctions on Tehran regime

Iranians denounce mullahs' nuclear program, urge Security Council sanctions on Tehran regimeNCRI – In a statement, 200 Iranian associations, in and out of Iran denounced the clerical regime’s clandestine nuclear weapons program and called for comprehensive sanctions against the theocracy ruling Iran.

“The clerical regime’s nuclear program not only undermines peace and tranquillity in the region but also runs counter to the Iranian people’s highest interests. Ninety percent of Iranians demand regime change. This regime has executed 120,000 political prisoners and executed or sentenced to death to 200 people in the first eight months of Ahmadinejad’s presidency alone. It wants to obtain nuclear weapons in order to solidify its fragile state inside the country” the statement said.

The statement by 200 Iranian associations reiterated, “Contrary to the regime’s claims, most Iranians oppose its nuclear projects and demand that sanctions be imposed on Tehran. Even though they have paid a heavy price to get rid of the mullahs so far, the hardships emanating from international sanctions are far more acceptable to the Iranian people than the suffering they have to endure under the mullahs’ rule everyday… The Tehran regime has spent tens of billions of dollars of the Iranian people’s resources on its nuclear projects, while according to the regime’s own figures, eighty percent of the population live below the poverty line and are compelled to sell their kidneys, other body parts and engage in prostitution and even sell their own children to make ends meet.”

The associations emphasized, “The referral of the Iranian regime’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council should be accompanied by comprehensive sanctions. We call on Western countries to sever their security, political and economical ties with the Iranian regime.”

The statement further declared, “The terrorist tag against the People’s Mojahedin of Iran, the Resistance’s pivotal force, was part of the policy of rapprochement with Tehran. It was the greatest assistance to the mullahs in cracking down on Iranians at home, the biggest obstacle to regime change in Iran and the most serious blunder in the fight against terrorism… The international community should abandon appeasement, stand with the Iranian people and Resistance, and remove the unjust and discredited terror tag against the Mojahedin. ”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 28, 2006