Iranian Resistance warns against mullahs’ deception and concealment tactics after NIE report

The clerical regime’s guarantee for survival is to obtain nuclear weapons which it will not abandon; the threat is real for Iran and the world. The report contains tips which indicate the mullahs’ portent intentions to acquire nuclear bomb

NCRI – Strategic and Defense Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) that revealed for the first time the secret nuclear sites at Natanz and Arak in August 2002 provided a detailed statement on the NIE report.  The statement reads in part:

It warns that deceit, concealment and attempts to mislead intelligence communities are recognized tactics of the clerical regime. The mullahs view obtaining nuclear bomb as the assurance to their survival. Thus, they have never abandoned the idea and will not do so in the future.

The Iranian regime remains a potential nuclear threat to the Iranian people and the world. Otherwise, there were no need for the clerical regime’s confrontation and intransigence with the international community and the subsequent UN Security Council resolutions.

In the NIE, which represents the consensus of the 16 intelligence agencies, it has been stated with high confidence that "until fall 2003, Iranian military entities were working under government direction to develop nuclear weapons," and later on, it was forced to limit its activities to some extent as a result of Iranian Resistance’s revelations and "increasing international scrutiny and pressure."

In other words, if it were not for these revelations, the mullahs would have been much closer to obtaining nuclear weapons and a nuclear catastrophe would have been much more probable, and the war with this regime would have been inevitable.

The NCRI’s Committee reiterates on the fact that the NIE report includes some tips that show the ongoing clerical regime’s deception and its ominous objectives of obtaining nuclear weapons. The NIE report adds: 

-"Assess with moderate confidence that Tehran had not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007, but we do not know whether it currently intends to develop nuclear weapons." In another part of the report, it is stated explicitly that because of intelligence gaps it can not be stated with certainty that there has been a halt to Iran’s entire nuclear weapons program.

-It properly points out that the clerical regime’s "entities are continuing to develop a range of technical capabilities that could be applied to producing nuclear weapons, if a decision is made to do so." In addition, the clerical regime is exploring various "capabilities" in order to expand its nuclear activities in proper occasions, unless "intensified international scrutiny and pressures," would stop the regime’s leaders and "keep Iran from eventually producing nuclear weapons."

-Reminds that since Ahmadinejad’s ascendancy to power, the regime has resumed its activities with setting up more centrifuges and "made significant progress in 2007, installing centrifuges at Natanz."

-Reiterates explicitly that the clerical regime "probably would use covert facilities – rather than its declared nuclear sites – for the production of highly enriched uranium for weapon. A growing amount of intelligence indicates Iran was engaged in covertly uranium conversion and uranium enrichment activity."

As a result, it is clear that as long as this regime is in power, the threat of it obtaining nuclear weapons will be constant for Iranian people and the world.

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance said: The war declared by this regime on the Iranian people and the world community is not limited to nuclear projects or even the mullahs’ meddling in Iraq. The war is about the totality of the religious fascism ruling Iran, whose culture and history, is in one word, aggression and assault against the honor, dignity and rights of Iranian women and men, and all Iranians. That is why we propose the third option, i.e. the change of the regime in its entirety in the hands of Iranian people and Iranian Resistance.

Changing the regime is within the capabilities and prowess of Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance. All is needed is to remove the restrictions and limitations that have been imposed on this Resistance on behest of the mullahs.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 5, 2007

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