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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIranian Resistance demands cancellation of trip by Ali Larijani to Germany

Iranian Resistance demands cancellation of trip by Ali Larijani to Germany

Iranian Resistance demands cancellation of trip by Ali Larijani to GermanyNegotiations with the mullahs’ regime is against international peace

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance condemns the trip by Ali Larijani to Germany and calls on the European Union and Germany to cancel this trip. Further negotiations with this terrorist and fundamentalist regime over the nuclear issue is a continuation of the destructive policy of appeasement towards the criminal mullahs which has been the greatest aid to the regime in obtaining a nuclear bomb and has been the greatest harm to international peace and security. Continuing this policy will bring the region closer to a crisis.

Negotiations with the representatives of a regime which has been violating international laws and deceiving the international community for 20 years which today officially refuses to bow to the demands of UN Security Council resolutions encourages the regime to continue its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

Despite the clear demands of Security Council Resolution 1696 and the passing of its deadline, the Foreign Ministry spokesman of the regime announces, “The upcoming meeting between Larijani and (Javier) Solana will determine the next steps. … Now is the time of speaking of dialogue and negotiations. Issues such as sanctions are mostly brought up by Zionist circles in order to put pressure on Iran.”

As the Iranian Resistance had reiterated at the beginning of negotiations between the European Three (E3) and the religious dictatorship ruling Iran, the only way to force the Iranian regime to adhere to the demands of the international community is to pursue a decisive policy including the imposition of urgent comprehensive sanctions against the regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 4, 2006