Iranian Resistance decries Tehran’s bid to intimidate world

IAEA headquarters


Calls for worldwide unity in the face of clrerical regime’s threats
A day after EU ministers called for an extraordinary International Atomic Energy Agency Board meeting to discuss the referral of Tehran’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council, Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister, threatened that Tehran would retaliate by "end[ing] voluntary cooperation" with the IAEA in case of a referral.

Dismissing Mottaki’s remarks as blackmail designed to force the international community into retreat, Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, said that the only way to counter the threat of a medieval regime armed with nuclear weapons was to adopt a firm policy. He invited the world community to show unanimity and firmness in the face of the mullahs’ blackmail and threats. He emphasized that the clerical regime’s acquisition of nuclear weapons was counter to national interests of the Iranian people. "The Iranian nation desires the regime to be stopped in its acquisition of nuclear weapons and its nuclear file, as well as its sponsorship of terrorism, and gross human rights violations be referred to the UN Security Council," he added.

Mohaddessin pointed out that as long as this regime was in power in Iran, there would be no democracy or peace in Iran or the region. He said that change in Iran was the immediate desire of the Iranian people as well as an inevitable necessity for peace and tranquility in the region. Mohaddessin stressed that the time had come for the European Union to abandon appeasement completely, remove the biggest obstacle to change in Iran, i.e., the terror tag on the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, the main force in the Iranian Resistance movement, and stand with the Iranian people and resistance in favor of democratic change in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 13, 2006

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