Iranian Resistance calls for sanctions against the mullahs’ regime

Officials of International Atomic Energy Agency and its member states’ representatives emphasize the Iranian regime’s continued nuclear weapons program

Iranian Resistance calls for adoption of a firm position and imposition of sanctions against the mullahs’ regime

NCRI – Following a major revelation by the Iranian Resistance in Brussels on February 20, the IAEA Deputy Director General Oli Heinonen, in reference to a missile re-entry vehicle, told a meeting of the Agency on Monday that the component — which brings missiles back from the stratosphere — was configured in a way that strongly suggests it was meant to carry a nuclear warhead. His remarks clearly upset the head of the regime’s delegation according to diplomats.

On the other hand, the British representative at the IAEA said that the dates on some of the documents presented to the Agency’s Board of Governors went beyond 2003 contrary to some reports suggesting that the regime stopped its nuclear weapons program then.

On February 24, in an interview with the CNN, Mike McConnell, Director of the U.S. National Intelligence, reiterated that the NIE report did not say that the regime had stopped its nuclear weapons program. He said that the report only suggested that the nuclear warhead production was halted. He added that the events of 2003 forced the regime to stop these activities but noted that they were conducted in secret and the regime never admitted it and it was possible that the regime may have restarted it again.

The regime’s ambassador to the United Nations told reporters on Monday that some of the information presented to the IAEA were unreliable as they were provided by the Iranian opposition. The Associated Press reported on February 26: "Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said that an Iranian opposition group is feeding fabricated evidence to Washington that purports to show the Tehran government tried to produce nuclear weapons."

In a press conference in Brussels on February 20, the Iranian Resistance unveiled in detail the secret nuclear warhead project of the regime located in Khojir area, southeast Tehran, and the Command and Control Center to produce atomic bomb located in Mojdeh site of Tehran.

The recent report by the IAEA, despite its shortcomings and serious weaknesses, shows clearly that the clerical regime continues with deception and secrecy over its nuclear program and has never abandoned its projects to produce nuclear bombs or warheads.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Security Council to stop the religious dictatorship from acquiring nuclear bomb by immediately adopting comprehensive oil, weapons, diplomatic and technological sanctions. Any delay to impose sanctions would allow the regime to continue with its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 27, 2008

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