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HomeStatementsStatements: NuclearIranian regime officials vow to carry on with nuclear projects

Iranian regime officials vow to carry on with nuclear projects

Iran regime nuclear activityNCRI- The mullahs’ president yesterday rejected suspension of uranium enrichment. Speaking in the city of Kerman (central south Iran), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ridiculed efforts by the P5+1 and said, “Currently 7,000 nuclear research machineries are spinning in Natanz, making their efforts a laughingstock.”

He added, “The past year has seen huge developments taking shape in the world. We will offer a new package and will negotiate on that basis. … I want to tell them that you know full well that today you are in a weak position, and can do nothing. You cannot get anywhere by bullying” (ISNA, April 15, 2009).

On Tuesday, Ahmadinejad also said, “With respect to producing nuclear fuel, we will continue as scheduled and no one can block our path.” He added, “When some people heard about our missiles, they labeled it as adventurism. But, they do not know that missiles with 700 and 1500 km ranges are produced to launch bigger satellites into space” (Fars News Agency, April 14, 2009).

The Chairman of the Foreign Policy and National Security Committee of the mullahs’ Majlis (Parliament), Alaeddin Boroujerdi, has also rejected any negotiations with the P5+1 on suspension of uranium enrichment, saying, “Currently, we have gone through all enrichment processes and are not prepared to discuss suspension or termination of uranium enrichment” (State-run TV, April 13, 2009).

These remarks clearly demonstrate that the ruling religious fascism in Iran has comfortably accelerated attempts to complete its nuclear projects and attainment of nuclear bomb in the absence of a firm international policy and by exploiting the Western governments’ calls for negotiations.

While reminding the clerical regime’s suppression and crimes against the Iranian people, the Iranian Resistance warns against the immediate and serious threats posed by the clerical regime against regional and global security and stability. It also urges the UN Security Council to adopt immediate military, diplomatic, technological, and oil sanctions against the clerical regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 16, 2009