Iranian regime acknowledges nuclear activities at Abyek site

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Call on UN atomic watchdog for immediate inspection of Abyek site

NCRI – Fearing the international consequences of the Thursday’s revelations of the Iranian regime’s new secret nuclear site by the Iranian Resistance, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has ordered officials to justify the issue. To this end, head of the regime’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, hastily took stage on Friday morning to deny the site’s very existence.

Salehi, who knows well that even if they make changes in Abyek site the truth will not remain concealed once the inspectors visit the scene, implicitly acknowledged that nuclear activities are carried out at the site. He said: “There exists no nuclear facility in Iran as defined explicitly, which has not been declared to the International Atomic Energy Agency,” and there are some center for nuclear activities “for hospitals, radiotherapy, x-ray and Gama ray facilities, and center for sterilization by irradiation of agricultural products are all over Iran, that do not fall within this definition.”

As such, the clerical regime is trying to justify the traces of nuclear activities at this site under the guise of being pertinent to medical and agricultural activities. As it was stated in yesterday’s press conference by the Resistance, in the directive issued to those who are in charge of the site, it was stipulated “the disclosure of the site will irreparably undermine the regime’s international standing.”

The Iranian Resistance urges International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect Abyek site immediately before the regime modifies the site. While the three months period stipulated in the UN Security Council Resolution of 1929 on the clerical regime’s nuclear projects is coming to an end, adopting a firm policy vis-à-vis the clerical regime and imposing comprehensive oil, military, technological, and diplomatic sanctions have become ever more necessary.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 10, 2010

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