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Iran regime’s refusal to hand over enriched uranium reveals mullahs’ plan to acquire nuclear bomb

 NCRI – The Iranian regime by refusing to respond to the proposal of the International Atomic Energy Agency, opposing its offer, ignoring the deadline agreed by all parties and formally postponing the time to respond, once again proved that its nuclear projects are only for obtaining nuclear weapons and the claims for peaceful activities and medical and industrial use only serve as pretexts. Holding dialogue, making concessions and giving incentives to this regime will only help it to remove the remaining obstacles in making nuclear bomb.

Ali Larijani, Speaker of mullahs’ parliament, accused the West on Saturday of “deception” and said that the IAEA’s proposal for hand over of enriched uranium in return for 20 percent enriched uranium “cannot be logically or legally justified,” and they want to “take away from us the enriched uranium.”

The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, said: “Even if a deal is reached for enrichment in Russia, the enrichment activities in Natanz site will continue.”

The state-run daily Kayhan wrote in its editorial on Saturday: “The West that was jubilant over the past couple of weeks believing that Iran will agree to deliver its strategic reserve of low enriched uranium ‘all at once’ in return for some promises, is now beginning to realize gradually that Iran is not planning to do so.”

Furthermore, on Friday, as the deadline for responding to the IAEA’s proposal was lapsed, the Iranian regime’s state-run TV network said that the IAEA and other countries involved in the talks should respond to the Iranian regime’s proposal and brazenly asked to purchase 20 percent enriched uranium from foreign countries instead of transferring the enriched uranium to Russia.

Deputy speaker of Majlis on Thursday announced his opposition to the IAEA’s proposal and sending 1,200 Kg of enriched uranium to Russia.

In order to buy more time, the regime last night formally notified the IAEA that “Iran is meticulously studying various aspects of the draft agreement proposed by IAEA’s chief Mohammad Elbaradei and after final assessment, we will respond to it in Vienna next week”.
Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, engulfed with the increasing social discontent and the nationwide popular uprising and unable to overcome the crises and internal rift, they find the only way to salvage and to continue their despotic rule in acquiring nuclear bomb and they will never abandon their nuclear project. Abandoning these projects will expedite their disintegration and downfall.

The failure of the new round of talks and giving concessions to this regime by the group of 5+1 countries has removed all excuses not to impose immediate comprehensive sanctions against the regime. This is a necessary step to prevent the terrorist mullahs to be armed with the most dangerous weapon.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 24, 2009